August 1, 2012 Issue

August 1, 2012 Issue

Sounds strategy helps business growth

The world economic situation continues to pose challenges with uncertainty ruling the markets but organisations that are well prepared with sound business strategies and financial

August 1, 2012 Issue

Million customers speak high degree of service

New Zealand’s newest mobile provider has continued its rapid growth, winning the support of more than a million Kiwi consumers and businesses after just three

Hiding income exposes you to the law

Are you in business or self-employed? In these tight economic times, most businesses are trying to cut costs wherever possible. But do not be tempted

Value gap affects listed companies

KPMG research shows that 45% of NZX listed companies are trading below the book value in their accounts, in some cases significantly so. The implication

Feeley moves to Lakes District Council

Adam Feeley, Chief Executive of the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) is leaving the post to take over as the Chief Executive of the Queenstown Lakes

Institute addresses business needs

The establishment of the Advanced Technology Institute addresses a significant need for business. Innovation is now essential for business success and the ATI’s focus on

Levy on leases creates imbalances

The Inland Revenue and Treasury have released an ‘Issues Paper,’ proposing to make lease inducement payments taxable. The proposed legislative change aims at ‘asymmetric tax

August 1, 2012 Issue

Trade agreements worry public libraries

Students at tertiary education libraries would find that they have less access to digital works if New Zealand signs a trade agreement with the US

August 1, 2012 Issue

Report cites ways to strengthen Indo-Aussie ties

Australia and India should look beyond their myopic view of current issues and concentrate on long-term relationship that would strengthen bilateral ties, says a report

Targeted regulations foster Good Governance

Government regulations should be ‘targeted’ towards problem areas rather than enforced as a general policy, BusinessNZ Chief Executive Phil O’Reilly said. “New Zealand has a

Expert allays flight of capital fear

Contrary to popular opinion, major commercial banks operating in the country do not transfer their profits overseas, BusinessNZ Chief Executive Phil O’Reilly said. “Banks such

August 1, 2012 Issue

New Zealanders deserve wider investment choice

Citizens and residents of New Zealand should have more opportunities for investment and our Stock Exchange needs to get bigger and better, one of the

Competitive advantage benefits retailers

Despite intense competition, retailers in New Zealand have opportunities to achieve higher levels of growth and profitability, two experts have said. According to Raman Ranchhod,

Bitter experience over footpath litter

Auckland is promoted as the ‘biggest, largest, most populated and one of the cleanest cities in the world. With ever-increasing rates that we pay as

August 1, 2012 Issue

New payment systems help students

Long-term welfare dependency is placing too many Kiwis in a life of limited choices – as a country, we cannot allow our young people to

August 1, 2012 Issue

Scholarship grant to employees

The winner of a business award has passed on the accompanying educational opportunities to three employees to help in their career development. The Mani Group

August 1, 2012 Issue

Youth leader chosen for pilot programme

Teenager and University of Auckland Political Studies student Shail Kaushal has been chosen to undergo a leadership and training programme. He was among nine others

Right switch lights up a career

‘Computer Power Plus’ student Sofia Paul made the switch to a career in Information Technology (IT) to help her pursue her career goal better. After

August 1, 2012 Issue

Collusion takes global banking to new low

For a group of people, the phrase “a government for the people, of the people and voted by the people” has rung hollow. During much

Gold trade-off fails the Standard

It has not made much of a splash across the world newspapers, but some reports by former banker-turned journalist Thomas Pascoe said that the Labour

August 1, 2012 Issue

Official opening for Airport Hotel

Sudima Auckland Airport hotel, which has been a venue for a number of conferences, weddings, and social and community gatherings since last year, will have

August 1, 2012 Issue

New role for Massey at Massey

Massey University has appointed Professor Claire Massey as Director of its newly created Agri-Food Business School. A great granddaughter of former Prime Minister William Fergusson

Finance firm directors await sentence

Two former directors and the Chief Executive of failed finance company Capital+Merchant Finance Limited (Capital+Merchant) were found guilty of fraud charges in the Auckland High

Housing shortage challenges planners

Homeowners have always believed that higher prices would make them richer. Only a few understand the true concept of ‘being rich’ and the challenges that

August 1, 2012 Issue

People in Business

Competition may be rife in the fast food industry but rewards will always follow pursuit of excellence, says a young executive. Rakesh Verma, General Manager

Australia prefers Indian migrants

Surpassing China and Britain, India has become the largest source of permanent migrants for Australia. “India has surpassed China and the UK as the largest

No jail for insider-trading witness

Anil Kumar, a former Indian American McKinsey executive, avoided jail time after prosecutors hailed his “extraordinary” cooperation leading to the conviction of hedge fund billionaire

Indian Newslink

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