Our Mission


  • To create a platform for analysing, projecting and resolving wherever possible the concern of the community
  • To provide news, analyses and information through investigative reporting without fear or favour for public information and reaction
  • To be an effective and meaningful communication tool for the members of the extended Indian community in New Zealand including Indians from India, Fiji and rest of the world, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans, Nepalese and people from the Middle East, in addition to a growing number of readers from European, Maori, Pacific Islander other ethnic groups
  • To create, enhance and sustain reader interest on a host of political, economic, commercial, social, community, entertainment and sports issues
  • To participate in cultural, social, sports and other events to promote cultural and social heritage of the community
  • To be the Voice of the Community
  • To encourage reader participation, both among adults and children in New Zealand and other parts of the world on issues of significance
  • To offer increasing value to advertisers
  • To conform to and if possible raise standards of business ethics and journalism

Indian Newslink

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