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Youth Programme generates positive attitude

For Webn-Youth Porgramme generates-Sonam GolianSonam Golian – 

I had the opportunity of attending the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Programme (RYLA) held from June 27 to July 4, 2015.

This was a weeklong experiential live-in programme for those in the 20- 28 age group, designed to help young people develop their teamwork and communication skills and fulfill their potential as leaders. It was hosted by Rotary Clubs in  District 9920 (covering Central, Eastern and South Auckland as far as Tuakau, Samoa, Fiji, Rarotonga, Vanuatu and French Polynesia). The participants went through a selection process, and were sponsored by the participating Rotary Clubs from the District or a corporate sponsor.

Rotary Club of St Johns Inc. was the hosting club for 2015.

Surprise element

We were all carefully kept in the dark about the tasks prior to arrival at Willow Park in Eastern Beach. The unrevealing nature of this experience is a key component of RYLA adding to the overall success for participants.

It encouraged us to exercise leadership by taking control in new situations, environments, and amongst new people through various team-building exercises. Throughout the week we learnt to recognise this as a reflection of the unknowns that we are often faced with in the real world. As leaders, the challenge lies in how we as individuals cope with these variables, which in turn, defines our character.

It could be assumed that being placed in close proximity to a large group of ‘strangers,’ each from different backgrounds and industries would create obvious tensions and divides.

To the contrary, the first order of duty  – a round of ‘speed-dating’ – saw us quickly become well-acquainted with one another, as roars of laughter and endless banter began from the first day, to everyone’s relief.

Constant Challenges

As we were placed in teams and interacted with like-minded individuals, our attitudes, beliefs and values were often challenged. We soon came to rely on each other as teammates.

It makes you realise as to how as young adults, we often like to stick to what we know and with whom we are comfortable. RYLA encouraged teamwork through trust-building exercises and constant communication, allowing interaction between different groups of people. The additional physical challenges of early morning boot-camp-styled fitness sessions, and tramping in wet weather conditions in the peak of winter helped to draw us out of our comfort zone. It instilled in me a strong sense of accomplishment as I was encouraged to learn about how far I can push myself through mental endurance.

Inspiring Speakers

We were fortunate to be introduced to a number of guest speakers with inspirational stories. Among them were John Anderson, Founder of Contiki Travel and Sir Peter Charles Leitch, better known as ‘The Mad Butcher.’

The overwhelming theme from many of the speakers over the week included a message of self-belief, courage, persistence, and championing a life that has a purpose – one that you can be proud of. We were motivated by their stories as they encouraged uniqueness, and taking risks in order to succeed, to be aware of failure but never fear it. We were told not to wait for things to happen but to make them happen.

For a room full of young bright leaders, hearing these stories often struck a chord and required us to question how we wish to make a change in our lives going forward.

Lifetime friendships

RYLA is a programme that will unleash a newfound positive attitude within you. It gives you the ability to further your skills in team building, communication and leadership – invaluable lifelong skills.

Friendships have been formed for a lifetime as the class of 2015 continues to keep in touch with each other post-RYLA.

I encourage other young people in our community to branch out of their comfort zones and willingly participate and experience something new by applying for the 2016 Programme, which will be managed by the Rotary Club of Howick. Please contact Bill Charkow on 021-663022; Email: Website:

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