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Your date with the Taxman is neigh

If you are a tax assessee required to file an end-of-the-year tax or a person with Working for Families Tax Credits, you should remit the requisite tax payment to the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) on or before February 7, 2011.

The provision would also apply to those with student loan payments.

An IRD communication said that the end-of-the-year tax payments would be payable in a number of other cases as well.

These would include people who have worked for salary or wages, used a wrong tax code with one or more employers or self-employed people.

Those who did not pay provisional tax (instalments) and those who paid provisional tax but accrued higher level of profit would also be required to make the end-of-the-year payment.

Non-compliance of tax laws would lead to prosecution in a court of law with attendant punitive measures.

If you have a problem or unable to meet the requirement, IRD has a two-word advise: Contact Us.

However, if you have obtained an extension to meet these obligations either directly or through a tax agent, you need not worry; but it is advisable to maintain your tax returns up to date.

IRD Acting Group Manager (Assistance) Valerie Price said her officials would be happy to discuss a variety of options with assessees who are in financial stress or experience cash flow problems.

“We understand some people could have trouble making their payment. They should contact us as early as possible. It is important that they talk to us rather than leaving it to the last minute. We may be able to assist those in difficulty with a suitable Payment Plan,” she said.

Ms Price said payment may be made over the Internet, by cash, cheque or Eftpos at any Westpac bank, or by post to IRD.

Further information can be obtained from the IRD Contact Centres or online

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