One Week of service to commemorate Birthday of Brahmarishi Gurvanand
Auckland, January 6, 2018
The New Zealand Branch of the World Spiritual Forum has launched a Blood Donation Drive in Auckland, as a part of the Birthday celebrations of Vishvasant Brahmarishi Gurvanand, respectfully referred as ‘Gurvanand Swami Ji.’
He is also addressed as ‘Brahmarishi,’ which refers to a person of rarity who has achieved Divine Knowledge.
The week-long Drive, launched yesterday (January 5) will conclude on January 12, 2018.
The Centres
Anyone who passes the eligibility test can donate blood at three venues- North Shore Donor Centre, Epsom Donor Centre and Manukau Donor Centre, in addition to the Mobile Unit, as per the Chart attached to this article.
Donors are advised to take their Passport or Driver’s License as a source of identity and consume food and water before visiting the Centres.
“Please mention that you are a part of the ‘World Spiritual Forum New Zealand’ when you donate blood. This will enable us to keep a track of the number of donors,” a notification said.
World Spiritual Forum New Zealand is a not-for-profit organisation that spreads the messages of Brahmarishi through events and charity work in New Zealand.
Compassionate Guru
Residents of New Zealand and visitors, who had an opportunity to converse, even briefly, with Guruvanand during his visits in the past few years would agree that the ‘Brahmarishi’ is full of compassion and love, combined with humility and simplicity. They would have also realised that he is one of the most revered accomplished saints of the contemporary world.
Refreshing Teacher
Defying his age (76) Guruvanand is a globetrotter, travelling to various countries in different time zones and yet retaining freshness, charm and alacrity. The IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) topper, Master of the Four Vedas, a linguist and a symbol of resplendence, he brings together people of all faiths, propagating the philosophy of ‘Religion should unite and not divide humankind.’
His teachings are well founded on tenets of innate goodness of every person, transcending barriers of race, religion, language and other man-made barriers. He believes that everyone has something to contribute to the progress and prosperity of the human race as a whole.
Picture of Vishvasant Brahmarishi Gurvanand from Facebook.