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Workshops motivate Awards entrants

A growing number of businesspersons of Indian origin believe that the free Workshops being held as part of the Indian Newslink Indian Business Awards (IBA) 2011 help them in many ways in their activities.

“Apart from helping entrants to complete the entry forms with greater ease and confidence, these Workshops also serve to motivate staff. I returned from your Workshop with greater determination to compete,” an entrepreneur said.

Joanne Godinho, who won the Best Businesswoman of the Year Award, last year, said that the Workshops helped her to understand teamwork.

“I consulted our staff and customers before answering the questions contained in the entry forms. Their opinions were useful,” she said.

The next two workshops will be held as follows:

Tuesday, June 7, 2011: BNZ Partners, Board Room, 373, Great South Road, Henderson (West Auckland)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011: BNZ Partners, Level 8, Room 9 (Deloitte Centre), 80 Queen Street (Auckland City).

Both Workshops will be held from 4 pm to 6 pm, at which Convenor of the IBA Judging Panel and BNZ officials will be present to assist and mentor entrants on relevant issues.

To register, call (09) 5336377 or email

Our Sponsors:

BNZ Partners: Title Sponsor and Best Large Business Award

Singapore Airlines: Business Excellence in Innovation

2 Degrees Mobile Limited: Best Small & Medium Sized Business

Kalamazoo Group: Business Excellence in Customer Service

Radio Tarana: Business Excellence in Marketing

Patton New Zealand Limited: Best Young Entrepreneur of the Year

New Zealand Career College: Business Excellence in Export to India

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