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Will to succeed accompanies effort

Ownership and operation of supermarkets is among the most strenuous and time-consuming jobs in the world and in the case of those with limited staff and long hours of business, it could spell sacrifice of family life.

But many enjoy the experience – of seeing hundreds of people and including them in their circle of friends every day. Customer satisfaction sees new heights and so does the business.

Among those who seek pleasure in what they do is Arvin Shankar, owner of the Moshims Discount House Supermarket in Botany South, which opened its doors for business on June 8, 2012.

“Supermarkets are among the most significant retail outlets in shopping malls, but the importance of smaller units in many parts of city suburbs cannot be over-emphasised or overlooked. We are able to provide personalised service and get to know our customers better,” he said.

Shopping convenience

In fact, with everything within reach and with convenient opening hours, the new Supermarket is set to become the shopping destination of people of varied ethnicity, tastes and preferences. From making purchases, inventory control, dealing with suppliers, physically lifting supplies and stocking them in shelves, dealing with banks and managing finances, Mr Shankar is a multi-task master.

Ambition, drive, the will to do hard work and managing risk have all been a part of his life and career for well over three decades.

Migrating from his native Fiji 24 years ago, Mr Shankar began his working career in New Zealand at KFC, perhaps flipping hamburgers like most talented new migrants do for livelihood.

Eight years later, the entrepreneurial bug bit and took him to Mt Wellington in Auckland, where he opened a small superette. The experience taught him a number of lessons, armed by which, he obtained a franchise from Moshims Discount House to open a retail store in Manurewa in 2000.

More ventures

‘Move on’ is the wont in his life and career. He did so to establish another supermarket in Pukekohe in 2002. Three years later, he shifted to Pakuranga to purchase a running enterprise (Moshims Discount House).

That retail store began to flourish and his expertise (with the support of his wife Anjali) and it was late last year that he decided to sell the store. The goodwill that he earned would promote a new business venture later.

“For several months, I moved around various areas in Auckland in search of a suitable location to establish another supermarket. I had to be careful because the City now has a proliferation of retail outlets specialising in Indian, Indo-Fijian and Sub-Continent products. I found a property in Botany South suitable for the venture,” Mr Shankar said.

The new supermarket would certainly be a landmark in his life and career but it certainly would not be his last.

For, venturing into new areas of business is almost a habit in Mr Shankar.

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