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We have lost a friend and visionary in Sir Michael Cullen

Sir Dr Michael Cullen (INL File Photo)

Venkat Raman
Auckland, August 20, 2021

Indian Newslink joins the grieving family of former Deputy Prime Minister Sir Dr Michael Cullen, the New Zealand government and the people of New Zealand in mourning his death.

He died last night (August 19, 2021) at Whakatane.

He was our friend of almost 23 years and as a finance professional, was always concerned about how we made both ends meet offering our services free of cost.

“I always admired Indian Newslink as a ‘People’s Paper’ working hard to earn and survive. Keep up your high standard of journalism,” he told us during a visit to our office more than two decades ago.

Seventy-six old Sir Michael succumbed to lung cancer after fighting a valiant battle with the deadly disease for more than a year. He became a Cabinet Minister under the Labour government in 1987. He was the Finance Minister in the Helen Clark Cabinet when Labour came back to power in November 2008 and was promoted to the role of Deputy Prime Minister during the second term of Ms Clark in 2002.

Visionary Leader

He is credited with the launch and success of many initiatives, the most important of which are the KiwiSaver Scheme and KiwiBank. His political adversaries dubbed the initiatives as ‘dumb’ and ‘wasteful,’ and yet, the country is reaping the benefits of these two major institutions which are successful and profitable.

In her tribute, Prime Minister Jacinda Arden said that Sir Michael served the country his whole adult life with distinction and courage. As he said he has lived a long and very fulfilling life, one for which we are forever grateful.

Intelligent and kind

She described him as ‘intelligent, funny and kind,” and as one of the most influential figures in New Zealand politics over the past 40 years.

“He left a significant legacy for the country. He gave his life to making this place better for everyone. He fought for social justice at every turn, understanding the need for balance and pragmatism at times, but always focused on the big picture and the long-term,” she said.

Ms Arden said that Sir Michael was a great friend not only to her but also to many members of her Cabinet and the Labour Caucus.

“We will miss him terribly and we are sending all our love to his wife Anne and his family. We are devastated but know that our grief is only a fraction of that which they will feel at the loss of a husband and father,” she said. 

Finance Minister Michael Cullen presenting his Budget to Parliament on May 17, 2007 (INL File Photo)


Brilliant political and public career

Sir Michael Cullen was first elected to Parliament in 1981 as the MP for St Kilda. He was the Government Senior Whip from 1984 to 1987 before becoming a Minister after the 1987 election. He was appointed Social Welfare Minister and Associate Finance Minister. 

He became Labour Party Deputy Leader in 1996, and when Labour returned to Government in 1999, he became Minister of Finance, and from 2002 onwards Deputy Prime Minister, along with a number of other portfolios including Attorney General.

He retired from politics after the 2008 election and continued his public service through a variety of roles as the Chair of New Zealand Post, the Constitutional Advisory Group, the Tax Working Group, the Earthquake Commission and as a negotiator on behalf of various iwi including Ngati Tuwharetoa.

Contribution to New Zealand

Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Grant Robertson said that Sir Michael’s contribution to New Zealand’s long-term economic prosperity and stability has been enormous. “As the architect of KiwiSaver, the New Zealand Super Fund and Working For Families he has left behind an economically more secure country. Each of these policies on their own would define a political career but taken together they represent one of the most significant contributions any politician has made in recent times,” he said.

“But for Michael, they are only part of his extraordinary contribution to New Zealand. His tenure as Minister of Finance saw New Zealand have among the lowest unemployment in the OECD, strong economic growth rates and one of the lowest levels of public debt in the world.

While many people will know of these achievements, it is also Michael’s small acts of kindness that I will remember. He was always ready with a piece of advice, an insight or just a funny story. He also helped many Labour MPs out, often behind the scenes, and not wanting any publicity,” he said. 

National pays tribute

National Party Leader and Opposition Leader Judith Collins said that Sir Michael was a consummate politician, a respected adversary and a man of absolute conviction.

“But, most importantly, he was a man of uncommon and uncompromising principle. When he retired from politics in 2009, such was our respect for him we called on his vast skills and knowledge to chair New Zealand Post and Kiwibank, as well as appointing him to lead a wide-ranging review of New Zealand’s intelligence agencies,” she said.

Ms Collins said that Sir Michael will be remembered as one of our most effective Finance Ministers, with a long-term view of what needed to be done to enhance to New Zealand’s economic and social prosperity and stability. His passion was to make New Zealand a better place for everyone.

“Sir Michael’s keen intellect, wit and vast expertise will be missed by us all, and our thoughts and condolences are with his family,” Ms Collins said.

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