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Waitakere Indians plan Community Centre

Waitakere Indians plan-Office-bearers.jpgHad it not been for the Super City, Waitakere City Council would have continued to exist and organisations such as the Waitakere Indian Association (WIA) would have not to go on a wild goose chase for funds to establish a Community Centre.

But with the power to govern moving North later this year, the West City, like others in the Auckland region, would have to play to the whims of the Supermen and Superwomen of the Super City.

It may not be an ideal situation for taxpayers but the reality is harder than imagination. Yet, the new office-bearers of the WIA are confident of achieving their objective.

Their confidence is boosted by a well-established Hindi School with over 60 students, an active Youth and Sports Group, a strong Senior Citizens Group and the success of the annual Holi and Diwali festivals.

The new team of office-bearers, elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association held at the Council Chambers on May 8 is brimming with enthusiasm.

Among them are Anand Naidu (President), Saten Sharma (Vice-President), Roneel Singh (Secretary), Sanjay Kumar (Assistant Secretary), Surya Sharma (Treasurer) and Naveen Prakash (Assistant Treasurer), Ajen Singh, Surendra Naidu, Sunil Kaushal (Committee Members) and Manoj Tahal (Immediate Past President).

For more information, visit

The picture appearing with this report shows (standing from left) Ajen Singh, Sailesh Sharma, Surendra Naidu, Mahen Sharma and Naveen Prakash and (sitting from left) Manoj Tahal, Saten Sharma, Surya Sharma, Anand Naidu, Roneel Singh and Sanjay Kumar.

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