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Wage subsidy, financial support to International students

Staff Reporter (Indian Newslink)
Auckland, April 6, 2020

Image from ENZ Website

International students in New Zealand will be able to get cash disbursement under the Wage Subsidy Scheme rolled out by the government ten days ago.

They may also be able to obtain other financial support.

Finance Minister Grant Robertson and Social Development Minister Carmel Sepuloni said that internationals students who have a work visa endorsement in their passports will be eligible for the subsidy- $350 per week for 12 weeks since they are expected to work only for 20 hours a week.

However, the subsidy will be subject to the eligibility of the employer.

Education New Zealand website ( carries details of relief available for international students.

“If you are struggling with money as a result of a loss of employment, your education provider or students’ association may be able to help. They may offer budgeting or finance services, or you may qualify for an emergency payment from a hardship fund, or a food parcel,” it said.

Temporary Work Visas

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has made a number of changes to the temporary work visa. These changes will help temporary visa holders currently in New Zealand help with the response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

“Normally international students who have the ability to work can only work 20 hours per week with some also being able to work full-time during vacation periods and summer vacation. As part of the COVID-19 response, international students currently employed by supermarkets and healthcare roles (including aged residential care) will be allowed to work more than the 20 hours per week stated in their visa,” the website said.

International students currently employed in healthcare roles (including aged residential care) can work more than 20 hours per week for a period of three months.

International students currently employed by supermarkets owned by Woolworths New Zealand Limited, Foodstuffs North Island Limited or Foodstuffs South Island Limited, can work more than 20 hours per week for a period of 30 days up until April 25, 2020.

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