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Vaccine appointments for all over 12 on Day Eight of Lockdown

Wellington, August 25, 2021

Key things to note:

  • From today, everyone aged 30 and over can book their Covid-19 vaccine appointment. Parents or guardians who are eligible to book an appointment can book appointments for their children aged 12 and over at the same time.
  • There are 62 new cases of Covid-19 in the community for a total of 210 cases. Of these, 198 are in Auckland and 12 are in Wellington.
  • Yesterday (August 24, 2021), 49,745 Covid tests were processed across New Zealand. Testing centres in Auckland had a busy day with 22,735 swabs taken across the city.
  • There are no positive wastewater testing results in the most recent samples collected outside of the Warkworth, Auckland, and Wellington regions.
  • As of 9 am today, 20,383 individual contacts have been identified and 62% have had a test. A majority of these contacts are close contacts.
  • There are now over 480 locations of interest listed on the Ministry of Health’s website.  If you were at a location of interest at the specified time, please self-isolate and call Healthline on 0800-3585453 for advice on testing.
  • An additional testing requirement is being introduced to MIQ facilities from Wednesday, August 25, 2021.  Returnees whose room is on the same floor and in the vicinity of a confirmed Day 0/1  or Day 3 case of Covid-19 will now be tested at Day 6 or 7 in addition to their existing day 0/1, 3 and 12 tests.
  • Yesterday, 80,033 vaccine doses were administered, the biggest daily total to date by more than 16,000. There have been 2.93 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine administered to date with 1.05 million second doses and 1.88 first doses.


  • Information about ‘Locations of interest’ in Samoan
  • ‘Testing helps identify cases’ from the Ministry for Pacific Peoples in
  • Today’s message grid from DPMC (attached) providing updates on:
    • New community cases
    • Middlemore Healthcare worker case
    • Covid-19 testing and wastewater testing
    • Contact tracing update
    • Locations of interest
    • Public compliance from NZ Police
    • The new testing requirement at MIQ
    • Education services and distance learning
    • Supermarket update
    • Available food and financial support for whānau, communities and businesses
    • The vaccine rollout
    • And previous information and guidance to support New Zealanders while at Alert Level 4

Source: Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Wellington 

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