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UnitedFuture Party pulls down its shutters

Damian Light

The UnitedFuture Party intends to disband.

We are extremely proud of what we have achieved over the past 15 years, working alongside the government of the day, both National and Labour.

By August 2017, UnitedFuture had become the party with the longest continuous role in New Zealand government for 100 years. The party’s list of achievements is considerable, including the following:

Party’s Achievements

Giving families a voice in government through Families Commission; Abolishing limits on rebates for charitable donations; Establishing Game Animal Council ensuring access to our outdoors; Implementing long term medicines strategy, improving access and reducing cost; Ensuring the long awaited Transmission Gully Highway was started; Making drugs a health issue with changes to the National Drug Policy and improving access to cannabis based medicines; Reforming the New Zealand  Fire Service to reflect modern realities.

However, despite our successes in Parliament, it is no secret that we have struggled at election time. As a part of its post-election review, the Party has been talking to members and non-members, those who voted for us and those that did not.

We know people like our policies and vision, but it hasn’t translated into votes.

Time to go

While the reasons vary, what has become clear is that UnitedFuture will not be able to achieve the significant number of votes required to break the high threshold.

Therefore, we have decided it is time to disband the UnitedFuture Party.

This decision has not been made lightly and has been debated at length, with a motion unanimously passing at a recent Annual General Meeting in Auckland.

Thank you everyone who has stood, supported and voted for us throughout the last 15 years. We have achieved a massive amount in a short space and we are proud. While there is sadness at end of UnitedFuture Party, all good things must end.

Damian Light is the Leader of the UnitedFuture Party.

(Image Courtesy: New Zealand Parliament)

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