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Unbiased approach attracts wider audience

This newspaper is one of the most respected publications in New Zealand.

Stamford Plaza Auckland has been privileged to enjoy a long-term involvement with Indian Newslink over many years and, under the ownership of Ravin Lal and the editorial stewardship of Venkat Raman, we have seen the role it plays within our community deepen and broaden with each passing year.

The launch of the Indian Newslink Indian Business Awards (IBA) in 2008 was a milestone event with which Stamford Plaza Auckland was proud to be involved as an inaugural sponsor.

This celebration of business excellence recognised and promoted the specific and considerable achievements of the Indian community to the broader New Zealand business community.

Businesses have noted the ability of Indian Newslink to attract leading political figures, business captains and community leaders to the Awards Night.

The Awards Ceremony is a one of the few events in New Zealand that bring together leaders from across the political spectrum to jointly the success of our Indian businesses.

The success of IBA has been possible because Indian Newslink has been able to attract and retain a highly respected and capable Panel of Judges, committed to the task. From my own experiences in similar roles, I know that this is no easy matter since the bar should continuously be lifted with the rise in the number and calibre of entrants. This again is a reflection of the importance of the event as would be seen in the growth in attendance at this year’s Awards.

Innovative Lecture

I would also like to comment on the most recent innovation, the Indian Newslink Sir Anand Satyanand Lecture.

Set to be an annual event, the first lecture was launched in July this year, to promote Accountability, Transparency, Integrity and Good Governance in New Zealand’s Government Departments, Agencies, State-Owned Enterprises and Private Sector Establishments.

As was only fitting, the Guest of Honour was Sir Anand himself, who introduced the evening in what was one of his final speeches prior to the end of his term as the Governor General of New Zealand.

This was followed by a fascinating and impassioned keynote address that was delivered by Foreign Affairs and Trade Secretary & Chief Executive James Allen, This black tie evening was an outstanding success and a “must diarise event” for next year, again a tribute to the innovative and energetic work of the Indian Newslink team.

Peter Gee is the General Manager, Stamford Plaza Hotel, Auckland

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