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Three hundred issues create good feeling

If it were Cricket, enthusiasts would have screamed, “Three tons! Howzat!”

Crossing three centuries is not a major achievement for a daily newspaper- it does so every year. But for a small publication like Indian Newslink, it is a big story.

Indeed, you are holding the 300th issue of your newspaper. There is nothing special about this edition; we would have no party, no special and no celebration. As soon as this issue is published, we will start planning for the next one, as if it was the first issue of the newspaper.

That is how we have been since we began in 1999- no flashy offices, no superlatives and claims of being the best or the largest. Our advertisers and readers know who we are and where we stand; most significant of all, they discern.

Shrinking world

As we have often said, size and location do not matter for a newspaper. Certainly not in an era in which communications are instant, reaching across to any corner of the world. Which is why, many major newspapers are actually ‘produced’ thousands of miles away from where they are printed and distributed.

We have always believed that small is beautiful; and being small does not mean that we are unimportant or unprincipled. We have strived to achieve high standards in journalism, printing and publishing all these years. We have listened to what people say, how they feel about matters and how to reach their opinions to those who matter.

That is why people believe that Indian Newslink is the Voice of the Community.

Media friendship

As another story that appears on Page 2 of this issue mentions, we were alone when we commenced our journey. Since then many have joined us. To them, we have said, ‘Welcome; let us expand the family and be of service to the community. With one hand, there can be only be a strike. With many hands, we can help and even applaud.’

An overcrowded market is always challenging; those pursuing excellence and high standards of business practices will seldom compromise on their cherished values of integrity, honesty and openness.

Looking at things from our little perspective, we believe that 300 issues do speak a little about us. This magical number makes us more resolute to serve you better, provide a wider and stronger platform for raising matters, however controversial they may be, and conduct a healthy debate.

Indeed, this is our profession, not a hobby. We have a passion for Indian Newslink and its five other distinct brands.

Our obeisance

Words of gratitude must be repeated as many times as possible. We thank you, our advertisers, sponsors of our Awards and Lecture, correspondents, contributors, staff and everyone who has made a difference over the years.

Most important of all, we will always be indebted to the most powerful entity:

Your, Dear Reader.

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