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The Sun shines over the diligent

New migrants who moan and groan that they cannot get jobs that are appropriate to their qualifications and experience should learn the art of perseverance and seeking to do their own thing from men like Navin Chawla.

Eight years ago he arrived in New Zealand hoping to get a job but when that prospect appeared dark, he decided to establish his own company.

It all began with a simple question posed to his sister, “How do you cope with the prickly heat in summer?”

“We get cool and rainy weather for more than six months in the year; in fact we long for summer months,” she replied.

“May be, but you must protect yourself from the ultra violet rays and direct sunlight. I would establish my own firm and do tinting job,” Mr Chawla said.

There was no dissent, for he is a qualified tinter with experience in Mumbai, India. Eight years on, he and his Company, A1 Tinting are on the move.

He has been a source of solace and comfort for an increasing number of people behind the wheels on roads and behind the windows at homes and offices.

Mr Chawla specialises in tinting cars, commercial and residential properties and is ever ready to please customers.

“It could be any time suitable to them during week day or weekend,” he said.

As well as tinting side windows of vehicles (as per the Land Transport Safety Authority standards and specifications), he also gives the treatment to windows and glass panels of domestic and commercial properties.

“That’s cool,” his clients say.

Mr Chawla claimed that high performance tints with 99% Ultra Violet can help reduce the health risk posed by piercing sunlight.

“Customers have a choice of shades that would allow them to enjoy the summer without heat in the car, home or at work. This is no more a luxury. Tint (Sun control film) has become a necessity,” he said.

The economy may be going through recession but unlike others, Mr Chawla does not complain.

“There is plenty of work for those who try,” he said.

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