“The pathway to Auckland Mayoralty is clear”

Craig Lord (Photo Supplied)

Craig Lord
Auckland, September 18, 2022

The opportunity for Auckland to have a strong common-sense centre-right Mayor became crystal clear after Friday morning’s withdrawal by Viv Beck, a Mayoral candidate.

Beck and I were the remaining centre-right candidates, with Brown being a centre-left link towards Efeso Collins. Now the voters have a crystal clear choice in front of them.

Beck and Lord were parallel in many aspects of their campaigns, and both were vocal about making similar changes for Auckland.

I congratulate Beck for putting her hand up in the first place, it is not easy to lift your head above the parapet, but I also applaud her strength to remove herself from the race. That takes courage.

The feedback from voters has been fantastic, and my messages resonate. They want solutions to the problems rather than the narrative of telling people everything is wrong. It seems my common-sense approach and policies are what they are wanting.

Brown has admitted that he is a one-termer. That is not the rhetoric for someone who genuinely wants to make a difference.

He has a goal of moving the Ports of Auckland North, and his true colours came out when he refused to visit the City Rail Link (CRL),  his primary campaign topic.

He did not want to hear the truth

Good changes are going to take time, perseverance, and patience.

I am willing to do that for all of Auckland.

I am excited about the opportunity to make the bad things good and the good things better.

Craig Lord is a candidate for the Mayorality of Auckland.
Editor’s Note: As reported earlier, Viv Beck announced her withdrawal, citing the need to avoid splitting of votes but implying the smear campaign against her.


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