The Delta Variant may be peaking on Day Eight of lockdown

Move in levels tomorrow; but Auckland likely to remain at Level Four

Wellington, Auckland, 26, 2021

Key things to note:

There are 68 new cases of Covid-19 in the community with a total of 277 cases; of these 263 are in Auckland and 14 in Wellington.

The majority of new cases reported yesterday and today were living in the same household as a known case, so transmission is often occurring within household bubbles.

Yesterday, 41,739 Covid tests were processed across New Zealand. Testing centres in Auckland had another busy day with more than 20,000 swabs taken across the city. 

For up-to-date information on all testing locations, please visit Healthpoint.

Christchurch Wastewater Samples

Christchurch wastewater samples have returned a positive result. This is consistent with virus shedding by the three positive cases in managed isolation facilities there.  All other South Island sites are negative.

As of 9 am today, 24,402 individual contacts have been identified and 71% have had a test.

There are now nearly 500 locations of interest listed on the Ministry of Health’s website

If you were at a location of interest at the specified time, please self-isolate and call Healthline on 0800 358 5453 for advice on testing.

Yesterday, 87,972 vaccine doses were administered, the biggest daily total to date, surpassing the previous day’s rollout record by 7,000 doses.  There have been 3.02 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine administered to date with 1.08 million second doses and 1.95 first doses

Dates for the end-of-year NCEA and New Zealand Scholarship exams have been delayed by two weeks.  Exams will now be held from Monday, November 22 to Tuesday, December 14, 2021.


Kia Manawaroa is a dedicated channel for whanau Maori with tamariki and rangatahi, supporting them through their learning journey, providing information on (a) Learning packs and devices (b) Childcare arrangements (c) Food, essentials and other support (d) Getting tested and vaccinated

Click here for the latest Punui from Kia Manawaroa

Information about accessing food and essential items are available in Cook Islands Maori, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Japanese, Samoan, Tuvaluan, and Vietnamese with more languages to come

Information about locations of interest is available in Cook Islands Maori, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Farsi, Fijian, Gujarati, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Punjabi, Rotuman, Samoan, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil, Te Reo Māori, Thai, Tongan, Tuvalu, Urdu, and Vietnamese with more languages to come.

Information about locations of interest and self-isolating is available in Easy Read.

Today’s message grid from DPMC (attached) providing updates on (1) New community cases

(2) Covid -19 testing and wastewater testing (3) Contact tracing update (4) Locations of interest (5) Education services and home learning (6) Fishing and food gathering (7) Education services and distance learning (8) Available food and financial support for whānau, communities and businesses (9) Fire and emergency preparedness for people in shared accommodation (10) The vaccine rollout and (11) Previous information and guidance to support New Zealanders while at Alert Level 4.


Source: Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Wellington.

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