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The camera brings career into focus

When Arisha Khan, our Model of the Fortnight, faced the camera for the first time with Bhikhu Bhula clicking button, she had no idea how exciting the experience would be, for with his meticulous approach, the photographer made her feel like a professional.”

“He is an amazing photographer. He taught me every pose and the one-day shoot brought a new sense of pride in me and I realised the tough life of models, who should remain fit. I hope to pursue this interesting profession someday,” she said.

She was also taken up by the beauty and charm that reigned at a recent contest.

“Participating in the competition has given me self-confidence and the courage to face people. The event also instilled in me the belief that I could succeed as the owner of a beauty saloon. Although not an option at my current stage of life and education,” I will not rule out the possibility in the future,” Arisha said.

But the 20-year-old student is keen to obtain a graduate degree in Business Management after completing her current programme at International College of Auckland.

Arisha is new to New Zealand, arriving in Auckland less than a year ago with her family comprising her parents and a brother. The beauty of New Zealand and the friendliness of people have taken her breath away, impelling her to start a ‘love affair’ with the country.

“I am grateful to my parents for their decision to migrate to New Zealand. My brother and I have their blessings and the best of both worlds – Fiji with its tropical weather and New Zealand which is cool and snowy for a good part of the year. I am also thankful to them for giving us an opportunity to promote three cultures and a fascinating combination of Fijian, Indian and Kiwi lifestyles,” Arisha said.

-Venkat Raman

Photography: Bhikhu Bhula

For more pictures of Arisha Khan, visit These pictures appearing in our print and web editions are the intellectual property of Indian Newslink, Bhikhu Bhula. Any reproduction in any form for private, public, commercial or non-commercial purposes is prohibited and any breach would be an offence under the relevant laws in force. For modelling photo shoot, please contact Bhikhu Bhula on (04) 3887861 or 021-0616030. Email:

You can also follow him on Facebook (Bhikhu Bhula)

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