Telugu Literary Symposium inspires the Diaspora

The Telugu Literary Symposium in progress

Staff Reporter
Auckland, November 25, 2021

The Second Annual New Zealand and Australia Telugu Sahithi Sadassu (Telugu Literary Symposium) was held as a virtual event on November 20, 2021.

Organised by the New Zealand Telugu Association and, the event enlisted the participation of Telugu poets and linguists resident in New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia and Singapore.

New Zealand Telugu Association President Latha Magatala and Editor Rao Konchada presided over the online Symposium, which began with reminiscing the highlights of the first seminar held in 2019. Editor Rao Konchada with the book, ‘Reppa Valchani Kalam’

Ms Magatala said that the participants were intensely engaged with the subjects and participated in the literary programme with enthusiasm.

“The Programme comprised story-telling, poetry recital and a discussion on contemporary Telugu literature popular among the Telugu Diaspora worldwide. Among the celebrity participants were Actor, Poet and Director Tanikella Bharani, popular politician and former Deputy Speaker of Andhra Pradesh Mandali Buddha Prasad, motivational speaker, IAS trainer, author and writer Akella Raghavendra, Vanguri Foundation and humourist Vanguri Chitten Raju and Telugu Poet, Illustrator and Translator Mamidi Hari Krishna shared their expertise and experience,” she said.

Among the highlights of the event was the release of ‘Reppa Valchani Kalam,’ a collection of Covid-19 stories and experiences from across the world.

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