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Tamil Sangam elects new office-bearers

Staff Reporter – 

Member of the Auckland Muthamil Sangam elected Premkumar Kandasamy as their President at the Annual General Meeting held on June 13, 2015.

Sridhar Nagappan was elected to the post of Vice-President, while the Sangam’s senior leader Sheba Soundararajan was chosen as the Secretary.

Among the other office-bearers for the year are Vijaykumar Gurusamy (Treasurer), Anbarasi  Mohanaselvam, Arun Mudaliar, Britto Antony Cruz, Karthik Ramanathan, Krishnan Lakshmanan and Sree Swami (Members of the Executive Committee).

“The main mission of our Sangam is to provide service especially to the Tamil Community in a way to preserve and highlight the Tamil Culture. Muthtamil Sangam has constantly strived in the past 15 years to organise events that the entire community can participate in and have a good time,” Ms Soundararajan said.

She appealed to the members of the Sangam to renew their annual membership and introduce new members to promote better community relations.

Further details can be obtained from Sheba Soundararajan on 021-678778.

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