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Talk show takes Timepass2 beyond its title

Anand Mokashi – 

Phew!! What a hectic month June turned out to be, organising a special screening of the Marathi hit film ‘Timepass2’ at the Dorothy Winstone Centre, Auckland Girls Grammar School on June 21, arranging the visit of its artistes and ensuring that their stay in New Zealand is comfortable and useful.

The audience at the special screening was understandably thin, with a large number of people busy with a number of other activities, not the least of which was the ‘International Yoga Day,’ marked by scores of organisations and individual groups throughout the country. But as it is often said, it is not the size but the ability of an audience to enjoy, react and interact with the performers that spells the success of an event.

Timepass2 scored on all accounts.

Endearing politicians

The presence of Members of Parliament Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi (National) and Mahesh Bindra (New Zealand First), the latter speaking in chaste Marathi, and Priyanca Radhakrishnan, Member of the Labour Party Policy Council, added dignity and value to the programme. While Bakshi has endeared himself to a large section of the Indian community in New Zealand since he became a lawmaker in November 2008, Mr Bindra has also begun to engage well with the people.

The audience, comprising Marathi and Non-Marathi speaking New Zealanders, including a few people of European origin, reflected our multicultural profile.

Timepass2 came with English subtitles, allowing everyone to understand the film, its plot and dialogues.

Technical Excellence

Swapnil Thakur deserves credit for managing the audio-visual and sound effects well.

The talk show, which followed the screening brought its Director and actors close to the members of the community. Vivek Anturkar, who hosted the segment drew the best out of the artistes with questions, some of which came from the audience.

Enjoyable conversation

Vaibhav Mangle proved that he was a man of humour, betraying his serious role in the film as Madhavrao Lele (‘Shakaal),’ as he mimicked famous playback singer Lata Mangeshkar.

Crisp and honest responses by Director Ravi Jadhav on the social implications of Timepass2 kept the programme interesting.

Priyadarshan Jadhav spoke of his diverse interests including acting, writing and directing.

Priya Bapat spoke about her ‘love affair’ with the film industry and how she draws inspiration and support from her actor-husband Umesh Kamat.

Her readiness to render a song from the movie not only drew wide applause but also highlighted her musical talent. Indian Newslink has featured her as ‘Model of the Fortnight’ under Communitylink in this issue.

Exceeding expectations

Timepass2 lived beyond its title, and touched the hearts of guests with its emotive appeal. Vaibhav Mangle proved his prowess as an actor. I am sure that every father in the audience who has a teenage daughter would have been able to relate to the turmoil and anguish that goes on in the mind, effectively depicted by Mangle.

He was tough in dealing with his daughter but his parental love was unquestionable. Priyadarshan Jadhav as Dagadu Parab and Priya Bapat as Prajakta Lele were convincing.

(Pictures by Narendra Bedekar)

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