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Yoga teaches breath-taking techniques to wellness

 Dr Malini Yugendran Auckland, February 24, 2023 Pranayama is an essential component of Yoga, which involves regulating the breath to manage the flow of

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Yoga to nurture the next generation

  Praneeta Mahajan Hamilton, February 20, 2023 Yoga has been practised for centuries and is becoming increasingly popular among adults. But getting the children started

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Breathing to Inner Peace with Kriya Yoga

Dr Malini Yugendran Auckland, February 17, 2023 This article explores Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras’ two approaches to yoga: Abhyasa (practice) and Vairagya (letting go or non-craving).

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Stretching Beyond Limits- The Art of Yoga

 Dr Malini Yugendran February 10, 2023 Yoga, the ancient practice originating from India, has become a global phenomenon. Senior Yoga Therapist Latha Kannan told

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Five Steps to Sustainable Weight loss

Free Webinar on Zoom on Feb 13 at 2 pm NZT Deep Gill and Simar Gill McCullough Auckland, February 10, 2022 Most people, when trying

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Indian Newslink Editor bereaved

Staff Reporter Auckland, December 26, 2021 Shri K N Ganapathy, father of Uma Venkatram and father-in-law of Indian Newslink Editor Venkat Raman, passed away in

Indian Newslink

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