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Retail payment efficiency becomes a point of discussion

Praneeta Mahajan Hamilton, February 29, 2024 The Commerce Commission has issued an open letter to banks regarding New Zealand’s retail payment system, setting its expectations

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Space partnership to pave the way for innovation

Praneeta Mahajan Hamilton, February 7, 2024 International science and innovation connectivity is a key contributor to achieving the vision of the government’s vision of “a highly

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Airport security checks get easier starting today

Praneeta Mahajan Hamilton, January 22, 2024 All the avid travellers, first-time flyers and globetrotters are going to have a breezy experience as the airport experience

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OECD Report consigns New Zealand to back bench

Praneeta Mahajan Hamilton, December 8, 2023 New Zealand has recorded its worst-ever results in the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) tests of reading,

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STEM workshop to enhance learning curiosity

Praneeta Mahajan Hamilton, July 12, 2023 Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs are comprehensive interdisciplinary studies that students of all ages can learn. Teaching

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Sustainability takes centre stage at the Fieldays

Praneeta Mahajan Hamilton, June 8, 2023 Fieldays, known to be the Southern Hemisphere’s largest agricultural event and the ultimate launch platform for cutting-edge technology and

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New Zealand Research on orbit aboard space station

Praneeta Mahajan Hamilton, May 8, 2023 A research facility prototype developed in Christchurch will soon orbit Earth aboard the International Space Station (ISS) under a

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