Michael Wood

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Leaders and communities mark Pongal in Parliament

Dr Malini Yugendran Auckland, February 23, 2023 The New Zealand Parliament hosted the Tamil Pongal festival, for the third consecutive year at the Executive Hall

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JW Marriott Hotel is our new venue for Lecture

Venkat Raman Auckland, February 15, 2023 The Twelfth Annual Indian Newslink Lecture 2022 will be held at JW Marriott Hotel (formerly Stamford Plaza Auckland) on

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Chris Hipkins deals a firm hand in reshuffle

Venkat Raman Auckland, January 31, 2023 Chris Hipkins has shown his firm hand in his Cabinet reshuffle announced earlier today (January 31, 2023) in Wellington.

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Immigration takes a reality check, at last

From our Leader, Digital Edition dated December 15, 2022 Venkat Raman Auckland, December 18, 2022 We congratulate Immigration Minister Michael Wood for ordering several changes

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Cabinet reshuffle a challenge for Jacinda Ardern

Jo Moir Wellington, December 14, 2022 Jacinda Ardern’s cabinet reshuffle needs to send a message to voters that she is serious about refreshing her team

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The Future of Immigration in New Zealand

  A Black Tie Dinner Ticketed Event Monday, October 17, 2022, 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm, Pullman Hotel, Auckland Venkat Raman Auckland, September 21, 2022

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The never-ending labyrinth of migration

Advance Reading: Our Leader in July 15, 2022 Digital Edition Immigration has never been a favourite of politicians. There is no record of satisfied people,

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NGO calls for action plan to address family harm

Supplied Content Wellington, July 9, 2022 Wellington-based Multicultural New Zealand (MNZ) has called on the government to present a clear plan to address issues of

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Fair Pay Agreement gets global approval

Staff Reporter Auckland, June 10, 2022 The government has welcomed the outcome of the International Labour Organisation’s consideration of New Zealand’s Fair Pay Agreements (FPA)

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Do you approve of the Fair Pay Agreement Bill?

Opposition Parties and businesses are very critical Venkat Raman Auckland, April 1, 2022 The Labour government has just introduced its long-promised ‘Fair Pay Agreement’ to

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Road to Zero can succeed through education

Jason Heale Auckland, March 30, 2022 $15,000 per second. $900,000 for 1 minute of footage. That is the cost of “Safe Limits” an advertisement from

Indian Newslink

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