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Status Report outlines progress of Auckland youth

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Auckland, February 14, 2017

Auckland Council today released its I Am Auckland Status Report, marking three years of progress in its city-wide strategic action plan for children and young people.

Auckland is full of creative, energetic and insightful young people. Many of the half-a- million young people living here are thriving and engaging in the design and leadership of their city, Penny Hulse, Councillor and Chair of the Environment and Community Committee of Auckland Council said.

However, some young Aucklanders still face challenges in their health and wellbeing, school achievement, employment and ensuring their voices are heard on issues that affect their lives. This status reportaims to focus the Council familys efforts and to ensure that children and young people have the tools and opportunities that they deserve to prosper, she said.

Equal Opportunities

The Council and Council-Controlled Organisations have already delivered more than 200 discrete actions, policies or programmes that are explicitly focused on children and young people.

Goal 4 of the Strategic Action Plan, I am given equal opportunities to succeed and have a fair go, has seen 71 activities and action areas delivered over the last three years. They relate to education, connecting with work, learning and skills development.

Goal 6, Auckland is my playground, has seen the development of 69 activities and action areas relating to sport, recreation, arts and culture.

Key Initiatives

The status report profiles a number of key initiatives that are delivering these outcomes. It also identifies opportunities for the council family to take further action in future.

The report identified that more can be done towards achieving goal seven, Rangatahi t rangatira (all young people will thrive). Council can also look for further opportunities to focus on education and employment outcomes for Mori and Pacific young people and maintain a focus on areas of the city with high numbers of young people, particularly in the south.

Auckland Council is committed to building a city where all children and young people are nurtured and supported. Together the council family and empowered young people can build on the vision of I Am Auckland and create a sustainable future for all Aucklanders, says Ms Hulse said.

The full report is available on the Auckland Council website

Programme Highlights

The I Am Auckland Strategic Action Plan, launched in 2013, sets out seven aspirational goals the city has for young Aucklanders.

I have a voice, am valued and contribute.

I am important, belong, am cared about and feel safe.

I am happy, healthy and thriving.

I am given equal opportunities to succeed and have a fair go.

I can get around and get connected.

Auckland is my playground.

Rangatahi t Rangatira all young people will thrive.

The I Am Auckland Status Report profiles a number of key initiatives that are delivering the outcomes sought in the Strategic Action Plan.

They include: Dare to Explore/Kia Mia te Whai, Auckland Libraries summer reading programme; Career Pathways, the councils internal youth recruitment programme; Auckland is my Playground, the councils young peoples sport and recreation implementation plan; Youth Advisory Panel, the councils formal mechanism to receive regular advice from young people; JobFest, a free one-day youth employment event; Enviroschools, an environmental education programme that supports implementation of sustainability initiatives in schools.


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