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Star aspirants ready for final act

Call it a Realty Show, an entertainment programme filled with fun or music and dance that bring energise the younger generation, a forthcoming event in Auckland would evade any description.

For, Star of New Zealand would be the first of its kind designed to explore, expose and extol talent from across the social and community spectrum.

Show Producers Jayesh Bateriwala, Vinay Mehta and Viraf Todywalla are confident that the forthcoming event will live up to its expectations.

“With elimination rounds held in Auckland, Taranaki and Christchurch over the past several weeks, interest has been high among participants drawn from various parts of the country. The finale on September 25 in Auckland will undoubtedly be exciting to contestants as well as the judges and the audience,” they said.

According to Mr Todywalla, the judges decided to choose 21 finalists instead of the earlier expectation of 15 finalists.

“The enthusiasm of the contestants has been amazing and inspiring,” he said.

Following is the list of finalists who will appear before a judging panel at the forthcoming programme at the Dorothy Winstone Centre of Auckland Girls Grammar School in Newton:

Dancers: Amy Finnigan, Azhar Adam, Divya & Geerthana Nanthakumar, Harry Singh, Jignal Patel, Katie Rudd, Nelson Tiaha, Niquay Langton, Rex Braganza, Shawn Thomas, Sneha Rajiv; Wild Card Entry Nishanti Selvaraj (Taranaki)

Dancers and Musicians: Rushabh Trivedi

Singers: Arun Iyer, Cece Va’afusuaga, Stephanie Piquette, Vikash Lal

Singers & Musicians: Amanda Saldanha, Karl Austin and Tia Taonikere

The winner will take the Star of New Zealand title and drive away in a Suzuki Swift Car from The Car Clearance Centre.

Gina Te Whata, Marlaina Curtis, Mumta Gounder and Satend Sharma would be among the judges.

The show will be hosted by Divya Hariharan, Doreen Joshi and Jazeel Mistry.

What: Star Of New Zealand Realty Show

Where: Dorothy Winstone Centre, Auckland Girls Grammar School

Howe Street, Newton, Auckland

When: Saturday September 25 at 730 pm

Contact: Jayesh Bateriwala (09) 6265666 or 021-1809868

Vinay Mehta (09) 6294849 or 021-893424

Viraf Todywalla (09) 5769399 or 021-0424245

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