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Spiritual Festival to highlight the rectitude among humans

‘Gopu Kuteeram’ at Mt Eden Memorial Hall Auckland on July 13

Venkat Raman

Auckland, July 6, 2019

Maharanyam Muralidhara Swamiji (Picture Supplied)

A day-long programme of piety and prayers will be held in Auckland next weekend, bringing to the fore the ‘divinity of the self,’ with the confluence of the Sanskrit hymns in praise of God and a display of a few important religious centres of India.

Called ‘Gopa Kuteeram,’ the event will be held on Saturday, July 13, 2019 at Mount Eden War Memorial Hall located at 487 Dominion Road, Mount Eden Auckland.

About Gopa Kuteeram

Organised by the Global Organisation for Divinity (GOD) New Zealand, the Programme covers two sessions, from 10 am to 2 pm and from 5 pm to 830 pm.

‘GOD,’ as the acronym denotes, the Organisation aims to inculcate moral, spiritual, social and cultural values among the younger members of the Hindu society, strengthening their rectitude and success in life and career.

(Image Supplied)

Kavitha Venkat, who has been the driving force behind ‘Gopa Kuteeram’ in Auckland for the past six years, said that the Morning Session will be devoted to exhibits by associations representing various States and regions of India, highlighting places of tourist and religious interest, including pilgrimage destinations.

The evening session will include a cultural programme, prize distribution and dinner.

“This is a Spiritual Festival showcasing places of worship, Gurus, India’s vibrant colours and diversity and we expect about 200 men, women and children to engage, explore and experience Divinity,” Ms Venkat said.

Playhouse of Lord Krishna

‘Gopa Kuteeram’ refers to the Playhouse of young Lord Krishna and the Gopas, His playmates of Vrindavan (Brindavan). It signifies a place where children have fun, while experiencing Lord Krishna in all their activities.

Inspired and conducted under the guidance of  Maharanyam Muralidhara Swamiji, this international programme helps children to develop awareness and appreciation of ‘Bhagavata Dharma’ by making spirituality a part of everyday living.

‘Bhagavata Dharma’ denotes the relationship of humans with God and the responsibilities that define the relationship. Spirituality evolves in daily life, a concept that ‘Gopa Kuteeram’ extols in its Programme, facilitating the all-round development of children based on the precepts of Humanity and Divinity.

While the event on July 13, 2019 will be a culmination of year-long activities, ‘Gopu Kuteeram’ helps the younger members of the community to strengthen their lives by (a) establishing a strong faith and connection with divinity (b) learning to harness the power of prayers in their lives (c) developing a positive attitude of gratitude (d) being socially aware, environmentally conscious and responsible and (e) developing tolerance and acceptance for different faiths and belief systems

About Maharanyam Muralidhara Swamiji

Born in Cuddalore, Tamilnadu, the 58-year-old Spiritual Leader renounced his worldly ties at an early age to redeem the Hindu faith and philosophy.

He inculcates a spirit of universal acceptance, coupled with intense faith and steadfast devotion on the path sought by seekers.

According to him, ‘Nama Kirtan’ (singing the Holy Name of God) is the sole route for material and spiritual upliftment and liberation.

“Real happiness resides within the self and inner peace and tranquillity will naturally lead to universal brotherhood and harmony. Realisation of this truth in this age of haste and hurry is as much possible and practicable as it was in earlier ages, and can be attained by simple but sustained practices that include mind control and chanting of the Divine Name of God, especially the ‘Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare; Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare’ Maha Mantra,” he said.

About ‘GOD’

The Global Organisation for Divinity in New Zealand teaches cultural, social, moral and spiritual values to children at classes held in Auckland over weekends and holidays.

The Syllabus covers spiritual topics, creative activities, musical compositions and renditions and value education.

“The Organisation also aims to inculcate social and moral responsibilities among children. The emphasis is also on spiritual, emotional, intellectual, physical and social wellbeing of participating children in a fun-filled, interactive environment, promoting and nurturing discussions, role-plays and stimulating them through games and quizzes,” Ms Venkat said.

For further information on ‘Gopu Kuteeram’ and the forthcoming event on July 13, 2019 in Auckland, please contact Kavitha Venkat on 021-2455700

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