Smart women set smart goals to gain financial wisdom

EmpowHER founders (from left) Rani Nalam, Sakthi Krishnamurthi, Devika Erickson, Neelu Taore and Shveta Shah at the Forum. Dr Ratneesh Suri, also a Founder, is not in the picture (Photo by Jasmin Sheikh)

Venkat Raman
Auckland, September 26, 2022

EmpowHER, an Auckland-based young association of professional women scored another high last fortnight, with an interactive session on financial literacy, discipline, challenges, and problems that women encounter in their vocational and domestic lives.

Massey University Financial Education & Research Centre Director and popular community worker Dr Pushpa Bhardwaj Wood was the main speaker at the event held on September 3, 2022.

It was a Forum held under the theme, ‘Moneywise- Steps to Financial Wisdom.’

Massey University Financial Education and Research Centre Director Dr Pushpa Bhardwaj Wood speaking at the EmpowHER Forum (Photo by Jasmin Sheikh)

Achieving financial goals

Dr Wood and other speakers spoke on a wide range of topics including how to plan, save and protect wealth and future finances, setting up ‘SMART’ goals, assessing risk tolerance levels, instilling savings habits in children, financial considerations when buying properties, as well as ensuring the power of attorney and wills.

Among the other speakers at the event were Qualified Mortgage Adviser and Relationship Manager at The Mortgage Supply Co Ltd Rani Nalam, and Avondale Law Barrister and Solicitor Sakthi Krishnamurthi.

Pushpa Mishrvan (second from right) displays her Certificate, joined by (from left) Devika Erickson, Neelu Taore, Sakthi Krishnamurthi, Rani Nalam, and Dr Pushpa Wood

Devika Ganjoor-Erickson, one of the founders of the Association, said that as a part of the Forum, EmpowHER sponsored three women to attend the online ‘Money Smarts’ financial well-being course run by Massey University.

“More than seventy women who attended the Forum said that it was highly beneficial. According to an attendee, ‘her three key takeaways included Diversification, Delayed Gratification and Disaster Planning.’ We are pleased that the event was useful,” she said.

Rachna Goyal (nee Agarwal), winner of the Massey Online Course with Rani Nalam (left) and Senior Sergeant Mandeep Kaur (Photo by Jasmin Sheikh)

About EmpowHER

Established about a year ago, EmpowHER aims to unite and empower women from diverse ethnic communities through educational and well-being forums to learn, grow and broaden their mindset through encouragement and self-awareness that will benefit their mental wellbeing. Details of meetings are posted on Facebook and other social media channels.

“Team EmpowHER would like to thank everyone who has supported them over the last year and the team looks forward to bringing more topics that will empower women to be the best versions of themselves,” founders Rani Nalam, Devika Erickson, Neelu Taore, Sakthi Krishnamurthi, Shveta Shah and Dr Ratneesh Suri said.

Atrayee Roy (second from right) receiving her Certificate from Namulau’ulu Anne Singh, watched by Neelu Taore and Rani Nalam (Photo by Jasmin Sheikh)

EmpowHER was a recipient of a Community Award for Services to Women and their empowerment in Auckland at the Eighth Annual Indian Newslink Sports, Community, Arts and Culture Awards held on June 20, 2022.

With Reporting by EmpowHER

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