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Shed darkness, emit light this Diwali

The Festival of Diwali brings back memories of my childhood days in Kolkata.

Diwali was a festival celebrated with sweets, fireworks and fun with family and friends.

As I grew older, I started realising the importance of this Festival of Lights; lighting of small oil lamps, which indicates victory of good over evil.

In University, when I was President of the All India Catholic University Federation, we celebrated Diwali at St Xavier’s College, Kolkata. We had a prayer service and reflections from the Bible.

The Bible said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

We also used to recite the Sanskrit Hymn, ”Asatho Ma Sath Gamaya (Lead me from Untruth to Truth), Thamaso Ma Jyothir Gamaya (Lead me from Darkness to Light), Mrithyorma Amritham Gamaya (Lead me from Death to Life).”

These reflections and prayers made me realise the significance of Diwali: we live in a dark and chaotic world and need to move to light.

Today, when I look around, I can see things have become worse. We see untruth, darkness and death in higher proportion. Violence, fear, threat and intolerance are becoming the order of the day. The poor and weak continue to be marginalised. Religious as well as sectarian violence has escalated and governments are leading countries to debts.

We are without question in need of Light to illuminate this World not just our homes. I am reminded of this song:

Little Guiding Light of Mine

This little guiding light of mine, I am gonna let it shine

Hide it under a bushel, no I am gonna let it shine

Take my little light round the world, I am gonna let it shine

Don’t you blow my little light out, I am gonna let it shine

Let it shine, all the time, let it shine

The lyrics are relevant to the Indian Diaspora, for we are taking the light around the world; let us not hide it under a bushel or blow the light out but let it shine all the time. Diwali reminds us every year that each of us are called to bring light to this world and make it a better place; a time to do good and get closer to God.

A Very happy Diwali to each and everyone and may you continue to radiate that light wherever you go.

Wenceslaus Anthony is a member of the Roman Catholic Church and considers himself as a ‘Servant of Servants,’ in the true Christian spirit. He is the Chairperson of the Divine Retreat Centre Movement in New Zealand and Advisor to the Vailankanni Committee to celebrate the feast of the Birthday of Mother Mary and Director of Conquest Club, which aims to shape the character and personality of young boys in the 8- 14 age group.

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