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Seminar to discuss ways to improve mental health

Event on April 27 at 230 pm, Jubilee Building, 545 Parnell Road, Auckland

Venkat Raman

A holistic approach to the human condition, ways and means of improving mental health and the challenges posed by modern lifestyles will be among the subjects of discussion at a Seminar scheduled to be held later this month in Auckland.

Hosted by the Centre for Conscious Awareness New Zealand (CCANZ), the event will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2019 from 3 pm at Parnell Community Centre, 545 Parnell Road.

Research benefits

We hope that the Programme will include the adequacy or otherwise of governments and other stakeholders in tackling socio-economic issues and the increasing incidence of violence and suicide that may be related to deteriorating mental health.

CCANZ Chief Executive Sanjay Kumarasingham said that the Seminar will showcase a few researched areas which have given tangible benefits to the wellbeing of individuals and communities.

“The human mind has been the focus of many schools of Philosophy, Psychology, Spirituality and Research. We believe that bringing together all the disciplines and improving our understanding will pave the way to improved ways of dealing with mental wellbeing and health,” he said.

Distinguished Speakers

Guests Speakers at the Seminar include Tina Jones (Counsellor, Founder & Director of Youth at Transition Charitable Trust), Professor Anil Thapliyal (Chair of e-Mental Health Working Group at the International Initiative for Mental Health), Gareth Edwards (Psychologist, Musician and Founder of ‘Positive Thinking’) and Srinivas Arka (Author, Philosopher, Developer of Human Positive Potential Programmes and Founder of Centre for Conscious Awareness Charities and Arka Foundation).

Seminar Objectives

“These speakers will show tangible methodologies used in many parts of the world which have proved to help the human mind. While we are good at looking after our physical wellbeing, the event aims to focus on the mental wellbeing aspects. The Seminar will provide an opportunity to share key findings from researches,” Mr Kumarasingham said.

He said that the Seminar will provide an opportunity to listen and share key findings from fellow researchers on holistic methodologies to augment existing fields of knowledge on mental health and wellbeing.

“The aim of the event is to illuminate the interrelation between the different areas of expertise and enlighten researchers, students, scholars and the general public about the positive potential of the body and mind, in creating well-being and health both in the mental and physical aspects,” Mr Kumarasingham said.

Understanding human condition

He said that CCANZ has been working to help individuals gain better understanding of the human condition and offer a platform for research based holistic methods to be made available for better wellbeing outcomes.

“Individuals can achieve a balanced approach towards understanding the external world and experience their inner intuitive consciousness to gain well-being and continued peaceful progress. This in turn will naturally contribute to the development of humanity and of collective consciousness, helping humanity to become more consciously aware of our universe, the relations, the meaning of life and the purpose of the questioning mind and its root,” Mr Kumarasingham said.


A non-religious, registered charity, CCANZ has been serving the community needs of New Zealanders for more than two decades.

“The mind is a common aspect to all human beings. The recognition that there is an issue of mental wellbeing in our communities is why CCANZ has focused on having such events for the benefit of communities.

“The Organisation is wholly and deeply committed to helping individuals through practical philosophical training programmes to build their own knowledge, confidence and assist them to develop their structural and rational consciousness, which is parallel to achieving heart-based intuitive phenomenological experience. This is achieved not only through a rationalistic philosophical enquiry but also by observing and interviewing individuals who have attained transformation and/or raising of self-awareness through personal inquiry and experiences,” Mr Kumarasingham said.

Further details can be obtained on (09) 2799025; Email:;



Photo Caption:

Sanjay Kumarasingham

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