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Scrapping National Standards bad news for parents

Nikki Kaye

Wellington, October 30, 2017

Labour’s plan to dismantle National Standards shows their disregard for parents and the needs of students around the country.

Parents need to know where their kids are up to and children need to know how they are getting on. National Standards are a key part of that.

Families also deserve to know what Labour will replace National Standards with – not be told they are going to overhaul the way our students learn but will get back to you with the details later.

Labour are showing how little thought they have put into their policy changes, with Education Minister Chris Hipkins still unable to tell parents how his education policy will affect students and parents.

National Standards provide the Education Minister with key information to allow the Government to target interventions and improvements on schools that are not doing well, and focus efforts where they can have the biggest impact on student achievement.

Having National Standards ensures that happens, and Labour’s plan undermines that without having a replacement.

This is typical Labour – the party of reviews and working groups. They demand change for change’s sake but don’t have their own ideas about how to take New Zealand forward.

It is important we develop the right tools that parents and teachers can trust and have confidence in.

Mr Hipkins has said that National Standards will be gone quickly. Parents and students deserve better than that. We disagree with getting rid of them but for the government to say they are getting rid of National Standards quickly without a fully developed system across all schools is irresponsible.

Labour needs to front up with New Zealanders and explain their intentions or admit that once again they have no idea.

Nikki Kaye is elected Member of Parliament from Central Auckland and National Party Spokesperson for Education.

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