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Saibaba Sanstan to mark Guru Purnima

Saibaba Sanstan to mark- Sage Vyasa.jpgThe Shirdi Saibaba Sanstan of New Zealand Inc will mark Guru Purnima on July 25 at the Mahatma Gandhi Centre in Auckland’s Eden Terrace.

The daylong, 14-hour programme will begin at 630 am with ‘Kakad Aaarti,’ followed by ‘Abhishekam’ and recitation of Vishnu Sahasranamam’ and Guru Pooja.

Members of the Sanstan will present a skit at 11 am, ensued by ‘Pravarchana.’

The programme will conclude with a special prayer for Hanuman and ‘Seja Aarti’ at 830 pm.

Sansthan Secretary Bhaskar Reddy Duvvuru said the organisation will celebrate ‘Guru Purnima’ this year on the actual day of its occurrence according to the Hindu calendar, namely the Full Moon day during the month of Ashad (July-August).

“Our members, devotees and their guests have always made the event one of great piety and satisfaction. With our Temple Project gathering new dimension, such events will evince wider interest of the community,” he said.

According to Hindu scriptures, ‘Guru Purnima’ is the day dedicated to the service of Gurus, although primarily it is the day in memory of Vyasa, one of the greatest sages of ancient India.

As well as editing the four Vedas, Vyasa wrote the 18 Puranas, the Mahabharata and Srimad Bhagavata. He taught Dattatreya, revered as the ‘Guru of Gurus.’

Further details can be obtained from Secretary Bhaskar Duvvuru on (09) 8202534 or (021) 2923807. Email:

Photo: Sage Vyasa

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