Auckland, Thursday, March 30, 2017
The New Zealand People’s Party is organising ‘Community Safety Awareness Day’ on Saturday, April 1, 2017 at the office of the Party located at 258-260 Balmoral Road in Sandringham, Auckland.
In a press statement issued this evening, Anil Sharma, a member of the Party’s Leadership Team said that the meeting would commence at 1030 am and that everyone is welcome.
Combating crime was the main premise on which the New Zealand People’s Party was built and established last year.
Writing in Indian Newslink November 15, 2016 issue (about the by-election in Mt Roskill held on December 3, 2016 at which he was a candidate) Party Leader Roshan Nauhria said that he wanted to provide greater attention to violent crimes that need to be made public.
“I will be the one to do this and I believe that when the good people of New Zealand know of the horror that has been inflicted on so many and the climate of fear that has been created, I am confident that the pressure we can collectively put to the government of the day will be forced to hear our united voice and take action,” he said.
Victim numbers rise
Mr Nauhria said that in 2016 ( at the time of his article), there were 11,000 more victims of crime in the country compared to the same period 2015. Burglaries are up by 12%, he said, and asked, “Why is that?”
“I will tell you why; the people committing these crimes know more and more that they have a good chance of getting away with it and never being caught.
“We must change that.
“I will advocate for better living conditions for people in rental homes, work to see more employment opportunities created amongst the many small business owners and when a large group of students with legitimate concerns about their education take the time to come to see me. I won’t turn my back.
“I will make time for them no matter what the issue, big or small.”
A good number of owners of dairies, liquor shops and petrol stations owned and of Indian origin currently do not feel they are safe. They say that they live in fear following a spate of aggravated robberies and violent beatings over the past four weeks by young offenders, some of them in the 11-15 age group.
The way to address the safety of people will certainly be a subject of discussion at the meeting on April 1, 2017.
Photo Caption:
Roshan Nauhria