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Respiratory Community warned against adverse Covid impact

Supplied Content (Edited)
Wellington, August 21, 2021

With the country under strict lockdown regulations, people suffering from respiratory problems have been advised to take appropriate precautions and seek medical help without delays in case of ‘attacks.’

Wellington-based Asthma and Respiratory Foundation Chief Executive Letitia Harding said that respiratory conditions affect one in eight Kiwis and that they could be at additional risk because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

She said that ‘the stay-at-home advice is particularly valid for such people.

“If there is someone else in your household who can pick up supplies then that’s great. If not, you can ask a friend or other family member to pick up what you need, so long as they leave it outside and keep a two-metre distance,” she said in a statement.

Stay home and safe

The Foundation’s Medical Director Dr James Fingleton said that staying at home is important to stop the spread of the virus and to save lives.

“It goes without saying that if you are feeling unwell, please stay home, and get a Covid test if you have any symptoms. Even if you are feeling well, the only valid reasons to leave home at Level 4 are to get groceries, get some exercise, access healthcare or a Covid-test, or to go to work if you are an essential worker and need to work outside the home,” he said.

Dr Fingleton said that those going out must have a face covering such as a face mask, especially at places where maintaining a two-metre distance would be difficult.

Seek medical help

“Whatever decision the government takes around mandating mask use, while at Level 4 we recommend wearing a mask at all times when you are not at home. While we should all be staying home as far as possible, it is important to remember that you can still get medical help if you need it,” he said.

People needing medical assistance should call the professional first and make a phone or video call if the situation is not urgent, he added.

“You can also call Healthline for advice if you or someone in your bubble is unwell. Remember that Healthline is not for asking general questions about Covid-19, information on which is available on the Unite Against Covid-19 website,” Dr Fingleton said.

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