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Resilience glorifies Fijian Independence

Editorial Two

Issue 402, October 15, 2018


Fijians markedthe 47th Anniversary of their Independence from British Rule on October 10 with festivities, meetings and entertainment, some of which were also held in New Zealand with a significant number of people in attendance.

Independence Day has a special significance for Fijians as the country has marked a milestone on its path towards democracy in its true form and shape after decades of painful differences, internal squabbles and coups.

The country will go to polls to elect its second true democratic form of government on November 14, 2018.

Prime Minister Josaia Voreqe (Frank) Bainimarama has enabled his people to determine their own destiny with self-respect and dignity.

New Energy

The future is therefore characterised by enthusiasm and new-found energy with equality of citizenship, employment and commercial opportunity.Fiji can look forward to regaining its glory with the slogan, “Fiji, the way the World should be.’

Fiji has grappled with political and economic issues with greater dexterity than was originally envisaged. In essence, the country is re-emerging as a leader among the smaller South Pacific nations with a firm economic agenda that will deliver its people into a new era of prosperity.

The former regimes, with three devastating coups (two in 1987 and another in 2000) witnessed political fallout, taking the country back by a few decades.

But the bona fides of Mr Bainimarama are manifest in Fiji’s indubitable status as a popular destination for tourists, investors and businesses.

Dynamic Economy

Mr Bainimarama believes the economy has the inherent capacity to perform better.

The expected areas of growth are broad-based, with wholesale and retail trade, transport and storage, clothing and footwear, construction and tourism poised for further growth.

The tourism sector has been the main driver of growth, with positive flow-on effects to other sectors of the economy.

Indian Newslink congratulates the people of Fiji on the occasion of their 48th Independence Day (and 47th Anniversary) and on their true freedom from racism, political discrimination and corruption and wishes them success in all their endeavours.


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