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Researcher needs info on your movie habits

Dr Ian Huffer – 

Researcher needs info- Dr Ian HufferBollywood or Hollywood? At the cinema or on-demand? Streaming or torrenting?

India is famous for its films, and New Zealand’s Indian community has never before been presented with so many choices about what films to watch and how to watch them.

Traditional options such as cinema and DVD continue to exist alongside legal and illegal forms of online delivery, providing audiences with a multitude of movies.

Basic information

I am conducting research for Massey University and would like to find out how you navigate your way through all of these choices that are available.

Given all of the films to choose from, decisions have to be made about what to watch.

For example, do you only watch Indian films or do you watch films from a number of countries?

Choosing how to watch a film today can be based on a range of factors, including cost, the chance to see the latest film, the availability of particular films, and whether to break the law. I am interested in finding out what choices you make and why. Your response will be completely anonymous.

Film discussion

In addition to finding out what films you watch and how you watch them, I would also like to learn more about how you discuss films and with whom you discuss.

People and communities can bond together through their discussion of films, and social media has extended the ways in which this discussion can take place.

Does social media figure in your discussion of films, or not?

Viewing habits

I am keen to discover the film-viewing habits of as many different people as possible in New Zealand so that I can find out if there is any relationship between their film-viewing and such factors as their age, gender, or ethnic group.

Through this research, I hope to gain a better understanding of why people watch films in particular ways and the role of film viewing in shaping society.

If you are interested in filling out a questionnaire, please click on the link below:

Please also tell your friends and family about the survey.

Participants should be resident in New Zealand and be over 16 years of age.

Once again, I assure you confidentiality.

This project has been reviewed and approved by the Massey University Human Ethics Committee #15/16

Dr Ian Huffer is a Lecturer in Media Studies at Massey University.


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