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Rajendra Chaudhry faces contempt of Court Charge

The following notification was issued by the Government of Fiji last fortnight.

Rajendra Chaudhry

The High Court (of Fiji) has, on 18 October 2018, granted leave to Attorney General (Aiyaz Syed-Khaiyum) to make an application for an Order of Committal against Rajendra Chaudhry of Auckland, New Zealand for contempt of Court.

According to the application filed by the Attorney General, on dates ranging between September 3 and September 18, 2018, Mr Chaudhry posted a range of scandalous, defamatory and derogatory comments against the Judiciary and its members on the social networking site Facebook.

The Attorney-General will now file the Notice of Motion in the High Court seeking the Order of Committal.

Anirudh Sharma

The High Court has, on October 18, 2018, granted leave to the Attorney General to make an application for an Order of Committal against Anirudh Sharma of Lajonia, Labasa for contempt of Court.

According to the application filed by the Attorney-General, Mr Sharma posted scandalous, defamatory and derogatory comments against the presiding Magistrate in the criminal proceeding against one Imran Khan, who was charged for one count of unlawful possession of illicit drugs.

On September 27, 2018, Mr Sharma posted the comments to social media site Facebook alongside a snapshot of an article titled “Nasinu businessman appears for drug charge in Labasa” (published in the August 30, 2018 issue of Fiji Sun).

The Attorney General will now file the Notice of Motion in the High Court seeking the Order of Committal.

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