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Racial attacks on Indians make us ugly

Susan Devoy

Wellington, March 10, 2017

I am concerned at attacks suffered by Indian New Zealanders in recent weeks.

These unprovoked attacks were caught on camera and we encourage people to film incidents that happen to them: this is an ugly part of our country but one that we need to highlight as much as possible.

I encourage our politicians and other leaders to stand up for New Zealanders who are under attack.

Shameful behaviour

This is not who we are and those people who think it is OK to attack other people and that the only New Zealanders are ones that look like them need to grow up and get real. We are one of the most ethnically diverse nations on the planet as well as one of the most peaceful; if we want to keep it that way then some of us need to really pull our heads in. This behaviour is shameful.

We are witnessing appalling, deadly race attacks overseas and Kiwis need to ask: Is this what we want here?’

I do not think we do. This is not the New Zealand in which our children should grow.

Dame Susan Devoy is Race Relations Commissioner of New Zealand.

Road rage in Auckland goes too far

The above comments related to a racist attack on Navninder Vir Singh, an Indian in Glen Innes Auckland last week.

The victim filmed the entire episode and posted on his Facebook page which went viral, with newspapers all over the world picking up the story.

Mr Singh claimed that hostilities erupted when the man behind him started tailgating him until he pulled over to the side of the road.

The unknown man wearing a grey T-shirt started swearing at him and mocking his Indian accent – as well as telling him to ‘go back to your own country.’

Demeaning expletives

Mr Singh had pulled over to let the vehicle pass, but the car stopped and the man and his female friend approached his window and began swearing and harassing him with expletives. They asked him to ‘go back to his country.’

He then turned the camera back onto himself and told his viewers: “This is what is happening in Auckland right now, these are the racist people here. This is the way they treat us.”

The man was pulled away by his female friend who appeared to want to control the situation before he approached Mr Singh’s car window again.

As Mr Singh drove away, the man pulled his pants down to moon him in one final bit of harassment.

Auckland City District Police are investigating.


Photo Caption:

  1. Dame Susan Devoy
  2. Navninder Vir Singh (Picture posted on Facebook- from Sify News)

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