Rabuka appeases Kiwi Fijians with an apology and Girmit Holiday

Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka with New Zealand First Leader Winston Peters at the public reception accorded to him in Auckland on June 5, 2023 (Photo Supplied)

Thakur Ranjit Singh
Auckland, June 15, 2023

Kings Birthday 2023 on Monday 5 June 2023 was a historic day in New Zealand for two reasons.

Firstly, it was the first such birthday for the new King, Charles the Third after many decades of waiting. Secondly, it was of great significance to Fijians in Auckland – it was a state visit of a Fijian Prime Minister to New Zealand in over two decades.

The Mahatma Gandhi Centre in Eden Terrace was packed with multiracial people of Fiji -Itaukei, Fiji Indians, Rotumans and others.

Starting with a standing ovation for Rabuka, followed by the Fiji National Anthem, various forms of traditional welcome ceremonies, formal speeches, presentation of an appreciation plaque and cultural items filled the evening’s programme.

Thakur Ranjit Singh

Committed Pacific Leader

The Prime Minister stole the day with a speech that revealed him as a committed Pacific leader, and a likeable person with a sense of humour, as he caused some laughter and lighter moments.

He his commitment to a stronger Pacific, opting to visit his Pacific friends instead of attending a high-powered regional meeting in South Korea. Consequently, he was in Papua New Guinea earlier last month where he consolidated Fijis relations with the Pacific neighbours and also met Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. This trip was followed by his presence in Samoa for the celebration of the country’s 60th Anniversary.

The change and softer side of Rabuka were revealed when he diverted from his official speech at the Mahatma Gandhi Centre to his cordial meeting with Mr Modi in Port Moresby, where he bestowed the Indian Prime Minister the highest honour: Companion of the Order of Fiji.

Paying tributes to India, he expressed his sympathy to the Indian government over the train tragedy in India in which many people died. He asked the audience to pray.

Editor’s Note: At leaser 288 people died and more than 1000 people were injured in the horrific train accident that occurred in Balasore in the Eastern State of Orissa on June 2, 2023. The accident involved three trains- the Coromandel Express, the Bengaluru-Howrah Superfast Express and a Goods Train and is stated to be one of the worst railway tragedies in India.

Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka and his wife Suluweti Tuiloma being honoured at the public reception in Auckland on June 5, 2023 (Photo Supplied)

Tributes to Girmityas

Closer to home, he commended Fiji Girmit Foundation New Zealand and others in Auckland for organising a magnificent welcome ceremony and applauded them on the success of the Girmit Remembrance Day held in Auckland on May 20, 2023.

“I am told that the recent Girmit Commemoration organised by the Fiji Girmit Foundation of New Zealand packed out the hall in Auckland. I am happy that the Coalition Government was represented at this event by the Minister for Sugar and Multi-Ethnic Affairs Charan Jeath Singh,” Mr Rabuka said.

He hoped that Girmit Day would be commemorated by the descendants of Girmitya and all Fijians all over the world. He encouraged Fijians in New Zealand to teach their children the languages and cultures of Fiji and thanked them for supporting Fiji with their financial remittance and investment in skills, time and resources in Fiji.

He paid tribute to the reconciliation efforts in Fiji and was grateful to Former Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry who was deposed during the May 2000 coup.

“I have had a lot to think and pray about and I am grateful to former Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry for publicly responding and accepting my apology at the recent reconciliation Church service hosted by the Methodist Church in Fiji,” he said.

Apology for the past

Rabuka is a changed man. A young coup leader 36 years ago, he was addressing a large multiracial audience in a foreign land, standing as a respected ageing statesman, giving advice to Kiwi Fijians to make the best use of the opportunities in New Zealand, to raise their children as law-abiding and useful citizens and teaching them compassion and be wise in their time management.

He ended by assuring all Fijians that Fiji was still their home.

“Fiji will always be there for you and the door will always be open for you to return, whether on holiday or for work or retirement,” he assured Fijians.

He concluded with a prayer from John Wesley:

“Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can.”

It was indeed a significant day when he was able to unite Fijians in Auckland and show the world that anybody can change for the better if they show repentance.

Fiji Girmit Foundation New Zealand President Krish Naidu and founding Trustees presenting a plaque to Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka at the public reception in Auckland on June 5, 2023 (Photo Supplied)

Girmit Day Holiday

And that change has ushered in the Girmit Day public holiday and reintroduction of Ratu Sukuna Day. Fiji Girmit Foundation had requested the previous government six years ago but it was Rabuka who fulfilled that wish.

The Fiji Girmit Foundation New Zealand presented a plaque to Mr Rabuka.

Foundation President Krish Naidu expressed gratitude to Rabuka for honouring his promise of making Girmit Day a public holiday.

“This plaque is presented in recognition and appreciation of the Prime Minister for accepting our long-standing request for Fiji Girmit Day to be recognised as a public holiday in Fiji. Vinaka, Prime Minister for this honour not only for Fiji but worldwide,” he said.

The night ended with a sumptuous dinner prepared by the Church community in Auckland and included Lovo and Indian meals, representing the multiracial audience.

Thakur Ranjit Singh is a founding Trustee of the Fiji Girmit Foundation New Zealand, a journalist, a media commentator and a blogger at Fiji Pundit. Email: thakurjifj@gmail.com. The views expressed in the above article are his own and not necessarily of Indian Newslink.

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