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Programme to help overcome anger

Staff Reporter – 

A unique programme designed to help people overcome anger will be held on the ensuing Sunday (August 16) in Auckland.

‘Brahmakumaris,’ a global organisation that helps people lead better lives, is organising the event at its Meditation Centre located at 51 Rockfield Road in One Tree Hill.

Sonali Bhakta, a representative of Brahmakumaris in New Zealand, said that the forthcoming event would help people to understand the real reasons for anger and the methods to overcome the emotion.

“Anger is an expression of inner pain; an indication that all is not well in our world. It is one of the most powerful and destructive emotions. Whether it seeps out in the form of irritation and resentment, or explodes in full rage, it causes damage to ourselves and to others. Anger also has many subtle faces which influence our behaviour and our relationships,” she said.

The free, open-to-all Programme will be held from 2 pm to 4 pm. Further details can be obtained on (09) 5795646 or Paul Cowan on 022-6352854 Email:;

About Brahmakumaris

Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya (popularly known as Brahmakumaris) is an international non-governmental organisation headquartered at Mount Abu, Rajasthan. It is present at 9000 Centres in 137 countries.

A spiritual institution focused on self-transformation through spiritual education and reflective practices, it promotes self-transformation by re-discovering and strengthening the human potential. The Organisation enables its members and participants in its programmes to have a clear understanding of self, God and human existence.

Primary teachings

The primary teachings at Brahmakumaris is Raj Yoga, one of the most effective forms of meditation to help replenish mental and emotional energy enabling individuals to create new attitudes and responses to life.

The Organisation offers various other courses for dealing with issues such as stress, failure in relationships, work-life imbalance and so on.  All courses are free, open to all and are based on the principles of Raj Yoga.

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