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Partnership goes beyond customers to community

Partnership goes beyond- Eric Chuah WebAs a country with increasing diversity, New Zealand has been actively encouraging intensified community involvement, personifying which is the country’s largest commercial bank.

As well as employing thousands of people subscribing to possibly every faith known to humankind, ANZ Bank has been in the forefront of community partnership, which, as often said, extends far beyond the portals of its office, branches and countless ATMs across the country.

If New Zealand is known as a Rainbow country, we have seen its reflection at ANZ, again from its offices to ATMs.

Strategic Planning

It is therefore little surprise that officials at the Bank have already commenced planning for ‘Diwali 2016,’ even as many at the corporate offices and branches are finalising their plans for Lantern Festival.

As Ethnic Communities Minister Peseta Sam Lotu-liga said inaugurating the Third Annual ‘ANZ Migrant Expo’ on September 5, 2015 (reported in our September 15, 2015 issue), “Many of us migrants chose New Zealand because this is a country known for its religious and social tolerance, peace and harmony and goodwill and understanding. The next decade will witness larger number of migrants claiming a significant percentage of our population. Migrants come with dreams and skills and it is our duty to make their dreams come true and put their talent to the best use. Organisations such as ANZ make us feel at home and settle well.”

That statement come large as life at many events, the most significant of which is Diwali, the Festival of Lights.

Last year, ANZ was involved in several Diwali functions, demonstrating its relationship with communities, customers and staff.

Christchurch Diwali

ANZ was the Sponsor of ‘Christchurch Diwali’ held on October 24, under the auspices of the Indian Social and Cultural Club (South Island) Inc.

Smita Kanwar, Channel and Business Development Manager, International & Migrant Banking said that ANZ celebrates Indian culture, contributing to diversity and the national and corporate levels.

“Christchurch Diwali is the biggest Diwali in South Island which attracts people from diverse ethnic backgrounds, nationalities and cultures. It was great to see all of them together at the venue (Horncastle) to celebrate the Festival. More than 380 performers including traditional, folk, film and contemporary dancers showcased the culture and practices of various regions and sectors of India. The performers included children as young as four, teenagers and adults,” she said.

Manukau Diwali

Partnership goes beyond- Peseta Sam and others at ANZ Diwali WebANZ was a sponsor of Manukau Diwali organised by Humm FM and the South Trust, held on October 25, 2015 at Vodafone Events Centre in Manukau.

Auckland Mayor Len Brown, National MP Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi and other community leaders visited the ANZ stall to record their appreciation.

The Bank was also a major sponsor of Waitakere Diwali held on November 1, 2015.

Customer & Staff Diwali

ANZ provided a great platform for hundreds of customers to meet and greet each other at the Diwali Lunch on November 1, 2015 at Langham Hotel and for staff at a special Diwali Dinner held at the same venue in the evening.

Speaking at the ANZ Migrant Expo on September 5, 2015, ANZ Customer Segment and International Banking Head Eric Chuah said that the parent company of ANZ has a presence in 34 markets around the world.

Partnership goes beyond- Smita Kanwar at Christchurch Diwali Web“Together with ANZ New Zealand, such global presence enables migrant customers to open a new ANZ account and have their financial affairs in order before moving to New Zealand. We have a dedicated team providing a range of products designed to meet the unique needs of migrant customers, and a network of specialist branches that have the skills and local knowledge to help migrants establish and manage their banking in New Zealand,” he said.

Photo :

  1. Eric Chuah
  2. Smita Kanwar with guests at colleagues at Christchurch Diwali on October 25
  3. Ethnic Communities Minister Peseta Sam Lotu-liga with (from left) Andrew Webster (ANZ), MPs Dr Parmjeet Parmar, Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi (National), Mahesh Bindra (New Zealand First) and Phil Goff (Labour) at Customers Diwali on November 1

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