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Auckland, May 16, 2017
Auckland Councils Environment and Community Committee has today approved a potential partnership with an Auckland high school which could set a precedent for cooperation between the council and schools across Auckland.
Committee Chair Councillor Penny Hulse said that the partnership with Western Springs College and the Ministry of Education would secure an option to provide four additional indoor sports courts for school and community use as part of the rebuild of the college.
This opportunity follows the government decision to consider the establishment of a new metro school model in high-growth urban centres like Auckland which would share amenities such as fields and indoor court facilities with the community, she said.
Western Springs
In the Western Springs example, the council would contribute up to $2 million towards the design, engineering and build of the additional indoor courts, with a full business case for construction to be developed as part of the 2018-2028 Long-term Plan. This opportunity comes at a time of significant under-supply of indoor sports courts in Auckland, particularly the isthmus, and demand will only expand as our city grows, Ms Hulse said.
I believe this is a model council, government and schools across Auckland should consider to keep costs down and make best use of scarce land, sports and community facilities, she added.
The following is a digest of decisions made at the meeting. The agenda is available on Auckland Councils website and the minutes will be added once confirmed. This meeting was also webcast on the councils website and items are available on demand.
The Details
Items 1-8 were administrative items (with the exception of public and local board input and extraordinary business which is summarised below).
Items 5 and 6 were public and local board input from:
Howick and District Historical Society Rob Mouncey Auckland Council cultural heritage sector review
Piha resident Sandra Coney Fire risk at The Gap (Taitomo), Piha
Manurewa and Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board Chairs Angela Dalton and Lemauga Lydia Sosene inequitable impacts of the region-wide swimming pool pricing policy
Item 9: Options to address inequitable impacts of the region-wide swimming pool pricing policy
Auckland Councils swimming pool pricing policy delivers free access for children 16 years of age and under. The committee agreed that any change to the policy that requires additional resources can only be considered during the development of the Long-term Plan including further consultation with local boards, and in the short term the status quo should remain.
Item 10: Auckland cultural heritage sector review: proposed terms of reference
The committee approved draft terms of reference for an independent review of Auckland Councils $61 million annual investment in major cultural heritage institutions.
Item 11: Auckland Councils submission on the Land Transport (Vehicle User Safety) Amendment Bill
The committee approved the councils submission on the Land Transport (Vehicle User Safety) Amendment Bill, which proposes to stop people washing car windows on roads in a way that is unsafe, intimidates, causes nuisance or obstructs vehicles.
Item 12: Tkaro – Investing in Play Discussion Document approval for consultation
The committee approved the public release of the Tkaro Investing in Play discussion document for formal engagement with local boards, key stakeholders, and the general public. The total value of the councils playground equipment is $66 million. The Long-term Plan 2015-2025 allocates $33 million for renewing these assets and a further $25 million to provide new play opportunities in areas of growth.
Item 13: Acquisition of land for open space – Glen Innes
The committee approved the acquisition at no cost to council of 1795m2 of land for a pocket park in the Fenchurch Special Housing Area on condition that the Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board funds maintenance costs and renewals.
Items 14 and 15: Recommendation Reports on Reserve Revocation Maraetai and Mission Bay
The committee approved the revocation of reserve status of land at 161R Maraetai Drive, Maraetai and 49 Nihill Crescent, Mission Bay as recommended by Independent Commissioners.
Item 16: Regional Parks Management Plan 2010 Variation to incorporate land at Piha into the Waitakere Ranges Regional Park
The committee approved 78 hectares of land (known as the Byers Block) at Piha to be designated as regional parkland within the Auckland Unitary Plan for addition to the Waitakere Ranges Regional Park.
Item 17: Partnership opportunity with Western Springs College for indoor courts
See above.
Item 18: Sport and Recreation Community Access Scheme
The committee approved the allocation of funding from the existing Sport and Recreation Community Access Scheme budget as follows:
$60,000 to AUT Millennium Ownership Trust to provide community access to Sovereign Stadium from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018
$40,000 per annum to Avondale College to provide community access to the stadium, hockey turf and six netball courts from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2020
$100,000 per annum to Tamaki College Community Recreation Centre Trust to provide community access to Tamaki Recreation Centre from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2020
$90,000 per annum to East City Community Trust to provide community access to ASB Stadium from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2020
$80,000 per annum to Waiheke Recreation Centre Trust to provide community access to Waiheke Recreation Centre from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2020
$325,000 per annum to Te Puru Community Charitable Trust to provide community access to Te Puru Community Centre from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2020
$150,000 per annum to Kolmar Charitable Trust to provide community access to Kolmar (Papatoetoe Sports Centre) from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2020
$150,000 to Auckland Netball to provide community access to the Auckland Netball Centre from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018
Item 19: Implementation of the Waste Management and Minimisation Plan 2012 – Update on food waste and three bin services
The committee endorsed the steer of the Waste Political Advisory Group to progress the implementation of a food waste collection service in urban areas of Auckland, commencing in the legacy Papakura District Council area, involving a three bin waste collection service for food waste, disposer pays refuse, and recycling for households in Papakura within the next 12 months.
Item 20: Information Report
The committee received the report, including the following papers:
Progress on the committees forward work programme
Final submission from Auckland Council submitted to the Ministry for the Environment Clean Water Consultation 2017
Recently Released OECD and Vivid Economics Reports
Notification of the establishment of a China Cultural Centre in Auckland
Regional Pest Management Plan Review
Monthly Global Engagement Activity update
Proposed Thriving Tamariki Maori Service Trials
Community and School project update
Bio News May update
A procedural motion was then passed to allow public excluded consideration of three further items.