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Pakistanis to mark their Independence Day in Auckland

Venkat Raman
Auckland, July 25, 2019

Auckland Mayor Phil Goff with PANZ Vice-President Asim Mukhtar, President Naveed Hamid and Senior Advisor Farrukh Gul Qaisrani (Picture from Facebook)

Members of the Pakistan community will celebrate the 73rd Independence Day of their country on Sunday, August 18, 2019 at Barfoot & Thompson Stadium, located at 203 Kohimarama Road in Auckland.

Organised by the Pakistan Association of New Zealand (PANZ), the event, will commence at 230 pm and would include a cultural programme and activities for children.

While Pakistan attained freedom on August 14 (1947), the Anniversary has been organised over a weekend to suit the convenience of the community.

Food and other Stalls

PANZ President Naveed Hamid called on businesses and individuals to set up stalls at the venue which will be for communities and families.

He also called on them to consider sponsoring the event.

“Our Association will provide space for stall at a nominal cost. Commercial organisations, not-for-profit entities and individuals can set up their stalls. However, they should be registered with us, pay the relevant fee in advance and meet the terms and conditions. Registration forms can be downloaded from our website,” he said.

He said that visitors would be a wide choice of Pakistani Cuisine at the event.

“There would be no less than 25 dishes,” he said.

The PANZ Team: Naveed Ahmed (Centre) with Asim Mukhtar (left) and Ajaz Nusrat (right)  (Picture Supplied)

Auckland Mayor’s assurance

The Pakistani community in New Zealand is small, with a majority of them living in Auckland. Known for their hard work and business acumen, people of Pakistani origin are enthusiastic participants in cultural events. They promote the fineness of Urdu language and poetry through formal and informal ‘Mushaira’ and other programmes.

Mr Hamid  recently met Auckland Mayor Phil Goff along with Vice-President Asim Mukhtar and Senior Advisor Farrukh Gul Qaisrani to seek the Council’s funding to conduct three main annual programmes of PANZ, find space for an office of the Association and to provide a language school for children to learn Urdu and Arabic.

“Mr Goff has shown his full support and assured that he will offer assistance and advice to help our community to build, and have our voice to reach out to concern authorities,” Mr Hamid said following the meeting.

For sponsorship and registration,

Tomorrow: World Bank asks Pakistan to invest in Human Capital

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