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Pacific scholarships open

Alfred Ngaro

Wellington, September 26, 2017

Some of New Zealand’s most talented young Pacific scholars can now apply for prestigious scholarships.

The 2018 Toloa Tertiary Scholarships are now open.

Eight of New Zealand’s brightest young Pacific students will receive a Government scholarship to pursue their dreams.

The scholarships of up to $25,000 each are paid over three years and awarded to Pacific students studying science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects at a tertiary level. Students also receive mentoring while they are studying.

This is the third year that these scholarships have been available and having seen the standard of academia in the past two years I’m excited to see even more of that potential coming through in this year’s applications.

We know that there is so much potential amongst our young people and these scholarships represent an opportunity to recognise our best and brightest and inspire even more of our young people to aspire to greatness.

I would encourage any Pacific student who wants to pursue a career in STEM to apply.”

The scholarships are part of a broader programme to get more Pacific students involved in STEM subjects. The Toloa Kenese Schools programme and the Toloa Community Fund also encourage Pacific young people to consider a career in STEM.

Applications for the Toloa Scholarships close on Wednesday, November 15, 2017.

For more information visit

Alfred Ngaro is Minister of Pacific Peoples of New Zealand.

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