Online events keep up the spirit of Diwali in Auckland

Phil Goff

Phil Goff

Auckland, November 2, 2021


Among the online events commemorating Auckland Diwali 2021 was the performance of the

Khottey Sikkey Dance Group today (November 2, 2021)- Facebook Photo

Namaste and Shubh Diwali to Indian Newslink readers and all of Auckland’s Indian communities.

Sadly this year, Auckland Council has again had to cancel its much-loved Diwali Festival because of the Covid-19 outbreak in our city.

Despite having to celebrate the festival again this year without the opportunity to gather in public to enjoy the festivities, cultural performances and food, it will nevertheless still be a special time for families to enjoy.

A series of online events has been running at, with classes, music, cooking demonstrations and more, and Auckland landmarks including the Auckland Museum and Viaduct Harbour will be lit up to celebrate the Festival of Lights this week.

I hope that you have a chance to enjoy these events as we look forward to the usual festivities returning next year.

Symbolic representation

Diwali symbolises the victory of good over evil and the triumph of light over darkness.

As we continue to respond to the pandemic, these themes – common to all our cultures – gain special significance.

The lockdowns are challenging for all of us, but it is encouraging to see the way that our community has come together to support each other during these difficult times.

A special thank you to everyone who has been vaccinated.


The Auckland Sky was not lit by the Diwali pyrotechnics this year but our hearts cherish 

the annual event (Auckland Council Diwali Photo)

Vaccination is the best way we can keep ourselves, our families and our communities safe from Covid-19 and will help us avoid future lockdowns. Across the Auckland region, nearly 90% of all eligible people have received their first dose of the vaccine, and over 80% have been double-vaccinated.

The government has announced a slight easing of restrictions starting at 11.59 pm on Tuesday,    November 9, 2021, subject to health advice which will allow retail and public institutions like libraries and museums to reopen with some restrictions, as well larger outdoor gatherings of up to 25 people.

Hope for Red Stage

Once 90% of eligible Aucklanders have received both doses of the vaccine, we will be able to move to the first, ‘Red,’ stage of the new Covid-19 Protection Framework. This will allow public facilities and retail to reopen with gathering limits. Close-contact businesses such as hospitality and gyms will also be able to open with restrictions on numbers, so long as all staff and patrons are fully vaccinated. Vaccination certificates will be required to be shown as proof of immunisation status.

From Weaver to the Wearer the Saree glorifies (Auckland Council Diwali Photo)


As more people are vaccinated and if Covid-19 case numbers remain under control, we will be able to move to the ‘Orange’ and ‘Green’ levels of the new framework, which further relax the restrictions on daily life and business.

If a business, organisation or service does not wish to request proof of vaccine, they will have to operate with strict limits on capacity and space requirements. They may need to close in Orange and/or Red levels.

These extra restrictions for the unvaccinated show how important it is to get your two doses as soon as possible. Being fully vaccinated will not only protect you, your family and your community from a potentially lethal disease, it will allow you to enjoy increased freedoms and attend festivals, concerts, sport and other events over summer.

Congratulations to the Indian community for achieving high rates of vaccination.

Please encourage everyone you know who is not vaccinated to get it done.

This will help ensure we can all enjoy a fantastic summer.

Phil Goff is Mayor of Auckland City. He writes a regular Column in Indian Newslink.

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