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Oh Divine Mother, make your children worthy of you!

A poem on India, the world’s greatest democracy

Shriram Iyer

Shriram Iyer

They say she turns 75 today
They know not, that she has been around for much longer
Some view her as the ‘dark sheep’ of the world
They know not, that she just smiles and keeps getting stronger.

Her very name evokes so many feelings
She has opened her doors repeatedly to visitors
Visitors who pillaged her, left her reeling
But the heart that she has, she just keeps giving

Many desired her, and they spilt her blood like water
Her children sometimes fight amongst each other, but she hopes
She hopes to see respect for every child, every daughter
And she hopes that they learn to be giving like her

You should see her at her finest, smelling divine, all decked up like a Goddess
But she wishes you tried harder to understand, who she really is
To the world outside, don’t dismiss her, don’t envy her, just get to know her
To the world inside, we are a part of her, so why desire a piece of her?

Bharat. Hindustan. She has so many names
She has never had favourite children
She sees us all exactly the same
But then why do we see each other differently?

She has seen it tough, but she is not gonna sink
She looks after her own the same way as she looks after the world
Oh yes world, you need her a lot more than you think
Whether you smile at her or not, she will make room in her heart, for you

Freedom at midnight, maybe so, but she was always a free bird
Regardless of the cage or the hunter, she is destined for the skies
Question is, are you, her child, free from hatred, from the illusions of the world?
Will you be by her side, as she flaps, soars and flies?

Shriram Iyer was born in India, educated in New Zealand and has been a successful Business Coach, Motivational Speaker and Podcaster based in Melbourne, Australia for the past decade. A singer and poet as well, he owns ‘Business Nirvana,’ a flagship that conducts workshops, training programmes and webinars for small, medium and large organisations. Shriram has grown with Indian Newslink.

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