And make the system easier, simpler and transparent
The New Zealand People’s Party (NZPP) will make the ‘Pathway to Residence’ programme automatic and less cumbersome if it is a part of the new government after the general election on September 23, 2017, its leader Roshan Nauhria has said.
“The current system allows for irregularities and improper screening of students’ applications, leading to unhealthy practices. Immigration New Zealand (INZ) advises students to apply for work after study. NZPP will encourage all students who want to live and work in New Zealand to obtain work permits automatically. All students who are already in New Zealand as on September 23, 2017 will be provided with Work Visas, valid up to one year to enable them to get jobs,” he said speaking to Indian Newslink at his Party Office on Saturday, August 26, 2017.
Quality Courses only
Mr Nauhria said, “An international student spends on an average $40,000 a year mainly because the system promises the Pathway to Work and then Residence. Our Party in government will ensure that all education providers conform to quality courses run as per the curriculum and prepare them to be successful in their careers. We should ensure that we have only genuine and quality private institutions,” he said.
Training for all unemployed
Mr Nauhria said that New Zealand has severe shortage of skilled people such as truck drivers, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, hairdressers and hair stylists (to name a few) and that those people who are currently unemployed should be trained for these jobs.
“They should be trained only in government-run institutions either free or at subsidised fees. Proper training will enable them to become qualified in vocations that are in high demand and well paid. We will have an effective three-way partnership between the government, education institutions and the education agents overseas. We will put in place systems and procedures with proper checks and balances,” he said.
Mr Nauhria mentioned several other measures to improve the immigration regime, which appear elsewhere in this issue. –Venkat Raman
Photo Caption:
Roshan Nauhria