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Non-sectarian journalism appeases readers

Journalism is measured by the quality of information presented to readers, listeners and viewers by the respective media organisations across the world.

Henry Anatole Grunwald, Managing Editor of Time said, “Journalism can never be silent; that is its greatest virtue and greatest fault. It must speak, and speak immediately, while the echoes of wonder, the claims of triumph and the signs of horror are still in the air.”

While most successful publications around the world are run by large corporate houses, Indian Newslink in New Zealand, which is run by a small team, has set its own example and achieved milestones, which many would envy for the times to come. This newspaper has lived to the expectation of its readers in spite of limited resources.

Significant role

I often come across a number of readers praising the high standards set by this newspaper for its unbiased news, critical, informed, analytical and creative journalism and for its role in informing the Indian community and in turn about the community to other ethnic groups.

It has played an important role in highlighting issues of significant public interest affecting the daily lives of the people.

While keeping itself non-aligned to political parties and remaining non-sectarian, it has encouraged public debate, stimulating awareness among common people.

As the ‘Voice of the Indian Community,’ it has stood for the People of Indian Origin, as they grown in strength.

Growing brands

Besides its large readership, Indian Newslink has touched many hearts with its unique initiatives such as the Indian Newslink Indian Business Awards (IBA), the Indian Newslink Indian Sports Awards and the Indian Newslink Sir Anand Satyanand Lecture.

From its modest launch with about 200 guests in 2008, IBA has witnessed impressive growth to become one of the most important events in the business calendar of New Zealand, attracting more than 700 guests at the Awards Night.

I have been privileged to be associated with IBA since its launch and look forward to this year’s event on November 19, 2012 (see related story on Page 3).

I congratulate Indian Newslink on its 13th anniversary and wish that it should grow stronger with increasing readership in the coming years.

Indian Newslink has no political leanings and values all major parties equally. Here is a picture of Prime Minister John Key and then Opposition Leader Phil Goff at our offices on two separate occasions in July 2010. Picture and Digital Morphing by Narendra Bedekar.

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