Clocks will go forward by one hour at 2 am on September 29
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Wellington, September 25, 2019
Lighter evenings make a welcome reappearance on Sunday, September 29, 2019, when Daylight saving time begins.
Clocks will go forward by one hour at 2 am (245 am in Chatham Islands) and daylight saving time will continue until Sunday, April 5, 2020, when clocks will go back by one hour to New Zealand Standard Time.
Seamless Transition
Many New Zealanders will experience a seamless transition, with modern electronic devices adjusting automatically. However, older devices may need to be adjusted manually.
While adjusting your clocks and other devices, it is also a good time to check your emergency plans, survival kits and smoke alarms.
Background History
Daylight saving was introduced in 1927, however the dates and times were changed several times over the following years.
During the mid-1940s, daylight saving time was discontinued and New Zealand standard time was ‘advanced’ year-round by half an hour. This lasted until 1974 when time was ‘set back’ again by half an hour, and the advance of one hour in summer was reintroduced.
The rationale for Daylight Saving over the summer months is that if standard time is applied year-round, a significant portion of the longer sunlight hours will fall in the early morning. Because many people tend to sleep in the early morning hours, these hours of sunlight are seen as being wasted, whereas if they are shifted to the evening, they can be more useful.
In 2007, Parliament officially extended Daylight Saving by three weeks from the last Sunday of September to the first Sunday of April.
Further information on daylight saving time and the laws that govern it can be found on the New Zealand Government website: