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New Socialist Organisation Launched in New Zealand

Auckland, October 1, 2018
A new Organise Aotearoa, a new socialist organisation for all of Aotearoa, has publicly launched today. The group is composed of Māori, Pākehā, and tauiwi, with the goal of undoing the violence inflicted by colonialism and capitalism.
“Organise Aotearoa aims to take back power for ordinary, working-class people,” Spokesperson Emilie Rakete said.
“We live in a wealthy, secure country. Nobody should have to live in mouldy rentals that make them sick. Nobody should have to scrape by on an un-liveable minimum wage.
“New Zealanders are suffering because the rich control the economy. Organise Aotearoa believes that workers ourselves should control the wealth we produce.”
Sharing wealth
Organise Aotearoa has brought together workers, students, beneficiaries, unionists, teachers, and people from every walk of life. “Aotearoa is a wealthy country, and there is more than enough for everybody. Our goal is socialism — for the resources of this country to be democratically owned and controlled by working people,” Ms Rakete.
Organise Aotearoa is not a Parliamentary Party. “We recognise that traditional political structures have failed. The so-called “Labour” party cares more about providing low taxes for the wealthy than it does about providing decent wages and a high-quality social support system. It doesn’t stand with working people,” she added.
New World
“We believe a new world requires a new kind of politics. Organise Aotearoa is a mass movement in which everybody is welcome and anybody can play a part.”
Over the next seven months, Organise Aotearoa will hold hui around the country on the key issues affecting New Zealanders, including housing, work, justice, and the environment. “We want to hear from everyday New Zealanders about their struggles and their dreams for more just, fair, and equal society,” Ms Rakete said.
Membership Open
Membership is now open for anyone who agrees with the kaupapa of Organise Aotearoa.
Organise Aotearoa is a new movement for liberation and socialism.
“We believe that the current political and economic system is rotten to the core. This system is killing our planet, creating massive inequalities, and undermining the tino rangatiratanga of Māori. If we want to live in a truly just, fair, and democratic world, we need to do things differently. We need a system that puts people and the environment before corporations and their profits. We are fighting for socialism because we need a system that shares wealth and prosperity among all people,” Ms Rakete said.

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